• 中风后痉挛可能使伸展,移动和完成日常任务变得困难。
  • 修改您的房屋,与职业治疗师一起工作,进行日常练习以及使用移动性辅助工具可以帮助您管理痉挛
  • Treatments, such as injections and medications, can help reduce long-term damage from spasticity.

Strokes occur when blood flow to the arteries in the brain become blocked, or (in more serious cases) leak or burst. This causes trauma to the brain and spinal cord, which can lead to other symptoms.

Between 25 percent and 43 percent of people will experience a condition called spasticity in the first year after a stroke, according to the American Stroke Association.




A stroke can damage the part of the brain that controls the signals to the muscles. If that happens, you may experience spasticity, or an abnormal increase in muscle tone.


反过来,这会影响您说话,移动和行走的方式。您的肌肉可能会保持某些位置的肌肉,例如弯曲的手腕,握紧拳头或将拇指塞进手掌American Association of Neurological Surgeons


  • tight knees
  • tension in the fingers
  • 弯曲的角度弯曲
  • 脚的弱点,在行走时会拖动它
  • bending your arm and holding it tight against the chest
  • curling in the toes

根据 美国中风协会 。Strokes that are caused by a bleed can also increase the risk of spasticity.


Here are some common treatment options, according to the 美国中风协会

  • 运动和伸展
  • 肌肉牙套
  • 注射某些药物,这种肉毒杆菌毒素(肉毒杆菌素)
  • 口服药物,例如巴氯芬,地西ep,tizanidine和Dantrolene钠
  • intrathecal baclofen therapy (ITB)

There are also lifestyle changes people can make to reduce the symptoms of spasticity after a stroke.

While spasticity can be painful, there are ways to reduce symptoms of the condition and improve your quality of life.

Here are seven tips for living with spasticity:

1. Exercise or stretch the affected limbs

One of the best things you can do for spasticity after a stroke is to keep the affected limbs moving.

Regularly exercising these areas can help ease tightness, prevent muscles from shortening, and maintain your full range of motion.




Caregivers should aim to help people with spasticity switch positions every 1–2 hours to help keep the body limber.

3. Support affected limbs


Be especially mindful when lying down. Placing your affected arm or leg under your body when resting can worsen spasticity.

躺在你的背部可以帮助保持你的四肢在more comfortable position. If you prefer to lie on your side, avoid putting the weight on the side that the stroke affected.


4. Adapt your home


Here are some ways you can adapt your home, according to the 美国中风协会

  • 将坡道安装到门口
  • 在浴室里添加抓杠
  • install raised toilet seats
  • place a bench in your tub or shower
  • 在浴缸底部使用塑料粘合条


People with spasticity, along with their caregivers, can find it helpful to seek support from family, friends, and other loved ones. They can encourage active movement and help with tasks around the home.


6. Work with an occupational therapist



7. Use mobility aids


  • 牙套
  • wheelchairs
  • canes
  • 步行者

Talk with an occupational therapist to see if a mobility aid can be helpful for you.

痉挛通常发生在中风后3到6周之间。2018年的研究。The muscular symptoms of spasticity have been shown to continue increasing at 6 months after a stroke.

If left untreated, spasticity can cause permanent shrinking and contracting of the muscles, along with joints locked into single positions.

While there’s no cure for post-stroke spasticity, treatments and lifestyle changes can help reduce symptoms and maintain your range of motion.

At least a 四分之一人 will develop spasticity after a stroke. The condition can cause tight, stiff muscles and reduce your mobility.

You can manage symptoms and improve your quality of life with spasticity by modifying your home, practicing daily exercises, working with an occupational therapist, and using mobility aids.

Treatments can also help prevent long-term damage from spasticity. Talk with a doctor to see if medication or injections are right for you.