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Relaxing can help keep you healthy, in both your body and mind, helping you recover from the everyday stresses that life throws at you. Luckily, no matter how busy you are, it’s simple to learn how to create time for chilling and also how to best relax.


  1. Breathe it out呼吸运动are one of the simplest relaxation strategies, and can effectively calm your stressed-out body and mind anywhere at any time. Sit or lay down in a quiet and safe place such as on your bed or the floor in your home and put one of your hands on your belly. Breathe in to a slow count of three, and then breathe out to the same slow count of three. Feel your belly rise and fall as you breathe in and out. Repeat five times, or as long as you need to feel relaxed.
  2. 释放身体张力。When we feel mentally stressed, we often feel physically stressed as well. Releasing any physical tension can helprelieve stress in your bodyand mind. Lay on a soft surface, such as your bed, a carpet, or a yoga mat. Tense up one part of your body at a time, and then slowly release your muscles. As you do this, notice how your body sensations change. Many people start either with the muscles in their face or those their toes, and then work their way through the muscles across their bodies to the opposite end.
  3. 写下你的想法。Getting things off your mind by writing them down may help you relax. When you feel stressed, take a few minutes to写下some short notes about how you’re feeling or how your day is going. You might do this in a notebook or in a notes app on your smartphone. Don’t worry about being poetic or spelling everything correctly. Just focus on expressing yourself to help release some of your stress.
  4. 做一个列表。做一个列表关于what you’re grateful for可以帮助某些人感到放松。专家说,当我们受到压力时,我们倾向于专注于生活的负面部分,而不是积极的部分。考虑生活的积极部分并将其写下来可能有助于您放松。尝试考虑今天发生的三件事,并写下来,即使它们是小事,例如按时上班或吃美味的午餐。
  5. 可视化您的平静。Have you ever heard the expression “find your happy place”? Sit in a quiet and safe place, such as your bedroom, and begin to think about a place in the world where you feel most calm. Close your eyes and imagine all the details linked to that place: the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile feelings. For example, if you think of the beach, you might imagine calm waves, the sound of children playing in the sand, the smell of sunscreen, the taste of cool ice cream and the feel of gritty sand under your feet. The more you get into your visualization, the more you can relax.
  6. 连接到自然。Spending just a few minutes in nature when you feel stressed may help you relax. When you’re feeling stressed, take a step outside and go for a short walk, or simply sit in nature. But you don’t necessarily need to be in nature to feel its stress-reducing effects. Scientists have found that 只是看大自然的图像 在计算机屏幕上使用绿色植物五分钟可以帮助您平静下来。因此,多亏了技术,即使是在大自然中生活和工作的人们,仍然可以体验到其平静的影响。

放松并不只是成人:f是很重要的or kids and teens too. If you sense your child needs to relax, help him or her through these exercises. Better yet, get involved in these easy relaxation exercises with your child. This can help encourage self-regulation and relaxing behavior in your child.

There are many benefits to keeping your brain and body relaxed. Relaxation balances out the negative mental and physical effects of stress that we all experience every day.

  • the ability to think more clearly and make better decisions
  • 更好地抵抗未来压力的力量
  • 对生活和您的经历更积极的看法
  • 更健康的身体,呼吸速度较慢,肌肉更轻松,血压降低
  • 心脏病发作,自身免疫性疾病,心理健康疾病和其他与压力有关的疾病的风险降低

Children who are encouraged to take up relaxing behaviors tend to be better focused and have an easier time learning than children who are more stressed. They may also be more cooperative and experience fewer social and behavioral issues in school.


The same helpful “fight-or-flight” instincts we get from these small stressful events in our life can backfire on us if we don’t take time to relax. Relaxation doesn’t just feel good, it’s also important for good health.

Stress from work, family, social obligations, and even exercise will wear you out over time if you don’t set aside time to relax. Some of the negative effects of not relaxing enough include:

Risks of too much stress
  • 整个身体频繁的头痛和疼痛
  • 睡眠问题,例如失眠或噩梦
  • forgetfulness and confusion
  • chest pain and heart problems
  • 与压力有关的疾病
  • increased or decreased appetite, often with weight gain or loss
  • social isolation and loneliness
  • 增加药物,烟草和酒精的使用
  • crying spells and feelings of depression, sometimes with thoughts of suicide
  • 失去对守时和外观的兴趣
  • increased irritability and overreaction to small annoyances
  • 工作或学校的表现不佳

Stress may be a universal part of life, but that doesn’t mean you should let it get the best of you. Take charge and control your stress by learning how to relax.

Reach for a simple relaxation exercise when you feel stressed, and encourage your child to do the same if you notice they’re feeling stressed out. Even if you don’t feel very stressed, practicing relaxation exercises daily can be a good preventative measure for keeping stress away in the first place.

If relaxation exercises are not helping reduce your stress, you should seek the help of a mental health professional. They’ll be able to recommend a specific treatment plan suited to your needs.

Call 911 or the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you’re having thoughts of suicide.