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一种lso called steam therapy, it involves the inhalation of water vapor. The warm, moist air is thought to work by loosening the mucus in the nasal passages, throat, and lungs. This may relieve symptoms of inflamed, swollen blood vessels in your nasal passages.

While steam inhalation won’t cure an infection, like a cold or the flu, it may help make you feel a lot better while your body fights it off. But as with any home remedy, it’s important to learn best practices so you don’t hurt yourself in the process.

一种鼻塞被鼻窦的血管中的炎症引发。由于一个人的血管可能会变得刺激急性上呼吸道感染, such as a cold or a sinus infection.

The main benefit of breathing in moist, warm steam is that may help ease feelings of irritation and swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages. The moisture may also help thin themucus在你的鼻窦中,允许他们更容易清空。这可以让您的呼吸恢复正常,至少在短时间内。


而蒸汽吸入可以提供主观可靠性ef from the symptoms of a cold and other upper respiratory infections, it won’t actually make your infection go away any faster.

Steam inhalation doesn’t actually kill the virus responsible for the infection. At best, steam inhalation might make you feel a little better as your body fights your cold.


一种notherrecent clinical triallooked at the use of steam inhalation in treating chronic sinus symptoms. The study, however, didn’t find that steam inhalation was beneficial for the majority of sinus symptoms, except for headache.


  • headache
  • congested (stuffy) nose
  • throat irritation
  • breathing problems caused by airway congestion
  • 干燥或刺激的鼻腔通道
  • cough


  • a large bowl
  • water
  • a pot or kettle and a stove or microwave for heating up water
  • towel


  1. Heat up the water to boiling.
  2. Carefully pour the hot water into the bowl.
  3. Drape the towel over the back of your head.
  4. Turn on a timer.
  5. 闭上眼睛,慢慢地降低你的头向the hot water until you’re about 8 to 12 inches away from the water. Be extremely careful to avoid making direct contact with the water.
  6. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for at least two to five minutes.

Don’t steam longer than 10 to 15 minutes for each session. However, you can repeat steam inhalation two or three times per day if you’re still having symptoms.



Steam inhalation is considered a safe home remedy if done right, but it’s very possible to hurt yourself unintentionally if you’re not careful.

There’s a risk of scalding yourself if you make contact with the hot water. The biggest risk is accidentally knocking over the bowl of hot water into your lap, which can cause severe burns in sensitive areas.

To avoid burns:

  • Make sure the bowl of hot water is on a level, sturdy surface and can’t be knocked over.
  • 不要在碗里摇晃或倾斜。
  • 一种void allowing the steam to make contact with your eyes. Your eyes should be closed and directed away from the steam.
  • Keep the bowl of hot water out of reach of children or pets.

Steam inhalation isn’t advised for children due to the risk of burns. In fact, one study found that most people who received burns from steam inhalation therapy were children. However, you can have your child sit in a steamy bathroom while you run hot water in the shower for a similar effect.

Steam inhalation systems that you canpurchase online or in stores通常更安全,随着水被封闭,不能轻易溢出你的皮肤。

Steam inhalation may be an effective way to clear up your nasal and respiratory passages when you’re sick with a cold or the flu, but it won’t actually cure your infection. Your body’s immune system will still do the bulk of the work to get rid of the virus causing your symptoms.


If you experience any discomfort, pain, or irritation from using steam therapy, stop using it and look for other ways to减轻你的症状

If you’re feeling under the weather for more than a week or have severe symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor.