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Staging tells you how far the cancer may have progressed. This information is crucial in choosing the treatments that are most likely to be effective. Staging information can also help your doctor find临床试验for which you may be eligible.

Staging helps provide a general prognosis based on others who have been at the same stage at their diagnosis. Survival rate statistics are based on stage at diagnosis. However, your individual outlook is affected by a number of other factors that your doctor will discuss with you.


For those reasons, it’s important to document the stage at diagnosis, whether it spreads later or not. For example, if you had stage 1breast cancer at diagnosis,它总是被称为诊断中的第1阶段,即使它初始诊断以来已经传播到遥远的器官。

Clinical vs. pathological stage

Your doctor may assign a clinical stage based on tests done before treatment starts. Surgery provides an opportunity to get more detailed information, such as whether cancer cells have been found in nearby lymph nodes. This can result in a pathological stage that differs from the initial clinical stage.



  • t代表肿瘤
  • n为节点
  • m for.转移

The TNM system is structured as follows:

Information from the TNM categories is then combined to get the overall stage. For example, ifpancreatic cancer是t1,n0,m0,它是阶段1。




Along with stage, tumor grade can help your doctor determine the best possible treatment.

Some cancers don’t have stages 0 to 4. For example, some types of leukemia may be referred to as eitheracute or chronic

Mostbrain cancersaren’t staged because they don’t usually spread to the lymph nodes or elsewhere in the body.

At diagnosis, clinical staging may involve a variety of tests, depending on the type and location of cancer. This may include a physical examination and tests such as:

If surgery is performed, this can provide additional information about tumor size and the involvement of nearby lymph nodes. This may help your doctor understand the pathological stage.

诊断阶段有助于您的医生决定下一步应该是什么,以及整体治疗计划。例如,早期癌症可能只需要局部化治疗,例如手术和手术radiation therapy


癌症的类型将决定是否具体激素疗法ortargeted cancer drugscan be used.

Most cancers are staged shortly after diagnosis. Staging can mean slightly different things depending on the cancer type, but cancer is typically staged from 0 to 4. The higher the number, the more advanced the cancer is.

Cancer staging serves several purposes. Cancer studies and clinical trials help determine which treatments are most likely to help based on cancer stage at diagnosis.Colon cancer例如,在阶段3点到不同的治疗方案,而不是阶段1。
