

You’re at risk for sports injuries if you:

  • haven’t been regularly active
  • 在运动之前不要妥善热身
  • play contact sports


Different sports injuries produce different symptoms and complications. The most common types of sports injuries include:

  • Sprains.Overstretching or tearing the ligaments results in asprain。Ligaments are pieces of tissue that connect two bones to one another in a joint.
  • 菌株。Overstretching or tearing muscles or tendons results in asprain。肌腱是厚,纤维状的组织,将骨骼连接到肌肉。菌株通常误以为扭伤。Here’s how tell them apart.
  • Knee injuries.一种ny injury that interferes with how the knee joint moves could be a sports injury. It could range from an overstretch to a tear in the muscles or tissues in the knee.
  • Swollen muscles。Swelling is a natural reaction to an injury.Swollen musclesmay also be painful and weak.
  • 一种chilles tendon rupture.The Achilles tendon is a thin, powerful tendon at the back of your ankle. During sports, this tendon can break or rupture. When it does, you may experience sudden, severe pain and difficulty walking.
  • FracturesBone fractures也被称为骨折。
  • 脱臼。Sports injuries may漂浮骨头in your body. When that happens, a bone is forced out of its socket. This can be painful and lead to swelling and weakness.
  • 转子袖口伤。Four pieces of muscle work together to form the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff keeps your shoulder moving in all directions. A tear in any of these muscles can削弱转子袖带

The RICE method is a common treatment regimen for sports injuries. It stands for:

  • rest
  • 压缩
  • elevation

这种处理方法有助于轻度运动损伤。为获得最佳结果,遵循伤害后的前24至36小时内的水稻方法。它可以帮助减少肿胀,防止运动损伤后的早期患额外的疼痛和瘀伤。Here’s how to follow RICE, plus a recovery timeline.

Both over-the-counter and prescription medications are available to treat sports injuries. Most of them provide relief from pain and swelling.

If your sports injury looks or feels severe, make an appointment to see your doctor. Seek emergency care if the injured joint shows signs of:

  • severe swelling and pain
  • visible lumps, bumps, or other deformities
  • 使用关节时弹出或嘎吱作响的声音
  • weakness or inability to put weight on the joint
  • 不稳定


Serious sports injuries can require surgery and physical therapy. If the injury doesn’t heal within two weeks, contact your doctor for an appointment.

The best way to prevent a sports injury is to warm up properly and拉紧。Cold muscles are prone to overstretching and tears. Warm muscles are more flexible. They can absorb quick movements, bends, and jerks, making injury less likely.

一种lso take these steps to avoid sports injuries:

Use the proper technique

Learn the proper way to move during your sport or activity. Different types of exercise require different stances and postures. For example, in some sports, bending your knees at the right time can help avoid an injury to your spine or hips.





当你返回后,让你的身体恢复,you may need to ease yourself back into the exercise or sport rather than jumping back in at the same intensity.


Remember to cool down after your activity. Usually, this involves doing the same stretching and exercises involved in a warmup.

Resume activity slowly

Don’t be tempted to nurse your injury for too long. Excessive rest may delay healing. After the initial 48-hour period of RICE, you can start using热量帮助放松tight muscles. Take things slowly, and ease back in to exercise or your sport of choice.

Sports injuries are common in younger adults and children. More than350万儿童和青少年are injured as part of an organized sports or physical activity each year, estimates Stanford Children’s Health.One-third所有受伤的孩子们与体育有关,too.


一种 2016年研究 found that 8.6 million people, ages 5 to 24, have a sports injury every year in the United States. Researchers note males ages 5 to 24 make up more than half of all sports injury episodes.





Because of their active nature, children are especially at risk for sports injuries. Children often don’t know their physical limits. That means they may push themselves to injury more easily than adults or teenagers.


The older you grow, the more likely you are to experience an injury. Age also increases the odds that you have sports injuries that linger. New injuries may aggravate these previous injuries.

Lack of care

Sometimes, serious injuries start off as small ones. Many injuries that result from overuse, such as tendonitis and stress fractures, can be recognized early by a doctor. If they’re left untreated or ignored, they can develop into a serious injury.

Being overweight


Children or adults who plan to begin participating in sports can benefit by having a physical examination by a doctor first.

Many sports injuries cause immediate pain or discomfort. Others, like overuse injuries, might be noticed only after long-term damage. These injuries are often diagnosed during routine physical examinations or checkups.


  • Physical examination.Your doctor may attempt to move the injured joint or body part. This helps them see how the area is moving, or how it’s not moving if that’s the case.
  • Medical history.这涉及向您提出疑问,您如何受伤,您正在做的事情,自从伤害以来,您所做的事情以及更多。如果这是您第一次访问这家医生,他们也可能要求更彻底的病史。
  • Imaging tests.X-raysMRIS,CT扫描而且超声波都可以帮助您的医生和医疗保健提供者在您的身体内部看到。这有助于他们确认运动损伤诊断。

If your doctor suspects you have a sprain or strain, they may recommend you follow the RICE method.

Follow these recommendations and keep an eye on your symptoms. If they get worse, that can mean you have a more serious sports injury.

打电话给你的医生if there are signs of swelling or if it hurts to place weight on the affected area. If the problem is in the location of a previous injury, seek medical attention right away.

Contact a healthcare provider if you don’t see any improvement after 24 to 36 hours of RICE.

Because a child’s skeleton isn’t fully developed, the bones are weaker than an adult’s. Take extra precautions with a child’s sports injuries. What looks like a tissue injury may in fact be a more serious fracture.

Don’t ignore your symptoms. Remember, the earlier you get a diagnosis and treatment, the sooner you’ll recover and get back in the game.