What is a spiral fracture?


Complete fractures are categorized based on the way the bone breaks. Categories include:

  • longitudinal
  • 熟练
  • 螺旋

However, it always results in the bone being separated into two distinct pieces.




The most common and obvious symptom of a spiral fracture is pain in the injured area. The type of pain depends on the severity of the injury. People have characterized the pain as dull, heavy, and agonizing.


  • 骨刚度
  • restricted range of motion
  • swelling and redness
  • tenderness

在开放裂缝的情况下 - 皮肤上有断裂的裂缝 - 除了出血外,您可能会看到锯齿状的骨头和骨骼碎片。


When these fractures occur in preschool-age children, they are referred to as toddler’s fractures. Toddler’s fractures are a common sign of physical abuse because they are a result of jerking or forceful twisting of a limb.Greenstick fractures are another common type of fracture that happen in children, because of how soft their bones are.


  • 胫骨,胫骨
  • fibula, or the short bone in your calf that is parallel to the tibia
  • 距离,位于胫骨和腓骨之间的脚踝
  • femur, or thighbone
  • 肱骨或上臂中的骨头
  • 手指骨头

In the case of a spiral fracture, it’s important that you tell your doctor exactly how the injury happened, as this can help them pinpoint the type of fracture you have.

Your doctor will perform a full physical exam, focusing on the affected area. They will check for obvious irregularities by both looking at and feeling the limb, such as:

  • 皮肤中断
  • 瘀血
  • tenderness
  • instability

If your doctor thinks it’s necessary, you will then undergo X-rays and a CT scan.

X-rays can confirm that the bone is broken and show if the break is displaced or stable. CT scans can show your doctor if there is damage in nearby joints and provide additional information about the fracture.


Treatment for a stable spiral fracture

If the spiral fracture is stable, treatment will usually involve keeping the bone immobilized with a cast for a period of four to six weeks. A stable fracture is generally more common in children.

Treatment for a displaced spiral fracture


Your doctor will perform what is known as an open reduction surgery. In this procedure, you are put under general anesthesia. Next, your doctor opens up the affected area to set the parts of the bone in place.

During the operation, your doctor continues to assess the severity of the injury. For example, if there is damage to the surrounding muscles or blood vessels, your doctor also evaluates and treat these injuries. Your doctor then realigns the broken bone and sets it in place with either rods, pins, or screws, all of which can be permanent or temporary.


After an open reduction surgery, a cast is usually applied to the limb. It will be removed after a period of a few weeks.


