

Smoker’s cough tends to sound different than regular coughing. It involves wheezing and crackling noises associated with phlegm in your throat. Smoker’s cough also tends to be wet, or productive. That means it carries a lot of mucus and phlegm with it.

Smoker’s cough can become chronic if you’re a daily smoker. It can make your throat and lungs hurt. Many treatments can help manage the irritation and soothe your throat.


Smoker’s cough can be especially irritating in the morning. This is because cilia regain their ability to remove the chemicals from your lungs when you haven’t smoked for a few hours. This can make your cough much more unpleasant when you wake up.


Read more: The effects of smoking on the body »



最好的方法治疗吸烟者的咳嗽是decrease the amount you smoke or quit smoking altogether. Quitting smoking removes the cause of the cough.

Other traditional ways to help treat your cough include:


  • 用咳嗽,lozenges或盐水漱口。
  • Drink 6–8 glasses of water per day to keep the mucus in your lungs and throat thin.
  • Elevate your head above the rest of your body while you sleep to make sure mucus doesn’t gather in your throat.
  • 定期锻炼30分钟。运动松动您的粘液,使咳嗽更容易。
  • 避免咖啡或酒精以减轻咳嗽的严重程度。咖啡和酒精会使您脱水并引起刺激。

If these treatments don’t help, ask your doctor about medications that might help relieve your symptoms. Common medications for conditions related to smoker’s cough include bronchodilators and corticosteroids.

Bronchodilators help the muscles around your airways relax. They’re usually taken using an inhaler. A short-acting bronchodilator works for a few hours and is only used when necessary. A long-acting one works for at least 12 hours and you take it every day. Your doctor will decide if one is right for you.




For example, a study published in BMC Complementary Alternative Medicine suggested that chemicals in eucalyptus oils were effective. They treated other painful conditions that often go along with smoker’s cough, including bronchitis and pharyngitis.

Try using a humidifier or a diffuser with these essential oils. The vapor can soothe your throat and relieve symptoms such as inflammation.


  • ginger
  • 牛至
  • rosemary



  • 喝绿茶,其中含有抗氧化剂或洋甘菊茶,其中包含对您身体具有放松作用的成分。
  • Use honey in your hot tea or water, or swallow a teaspoonful of it every day. Honey will coat your throat and reduce throat irritation.
  • Take vitamin C supplements or drink liquids with high amounts of vitamin C, such as orange juice.



If you smoke regularly, you’ll likely have symptoms for as long as you smoke. You also may not be able to get rid of your cough easily, even with many of the treatments and home remedies that can soothe the symptoms.


Some symptoms of肺癌与吸烟者的咳嗽相似,例如嘶哑和喘息。因此,说出差异可能并不总是那么容易。但是,香烟,雪茄和电子烟蒸气含有许多可能导致癌症的物质。这些被称为致癌物。


  • 意外和突然的体重减轻
  • 咳血
  • 持续的胸痛

Getting screened for lung cancer soon after you develop these symptoms can decrease your risk. Finding cancer early can help you beat it before it gets worse or spreads beyond your lungs. Your doctor may recommend lung cancer screening even if you don’t have any of these symptoms, based on how much you smoke.


并发症of smoker’s cough vary depending on how often you smoke, how severe your cough is, and whether you have any underlying conditions.


  • 对喉咙的伤害
  • hoarse voice
  • itching and irritation in your airways
  • 长期的慢性咳嗽
  • 感染增加




  • constant pain along with your cough
  • 减肥异常
  • pain in your bones
  • 头痛
  • coughing up green or yellow mucus

See your doctor immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • inability to control your bladder when you cough
  • 受伤或破裂的肋骨疼痛
  • 咳血
  • 咳嗽后昏倒

All of these symptoms may indicate conditions such as:



Next: The best apps to help you quit smoking »