一个穿着浴袍的女人,低头看着裸露的腿上严重的干燥皮肤。 Share on Pinterest

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Dry, itchy, irritated, scaly skin is something many of us have had to deal with at some point.

The medical term for abnormally dry skin isxerosis cutis。有时,您可能需要医生的帮助来应对这种情况。但是,其他时候,有了正确的家庭治疗和自我保健,您也许可以为皮肤找到缓解。


The symptoms of severe dry skin often resemble常规的干燥皮肤。但是,使这种情况更加明显的是干燥和刺激的严重程度以及发生的频率。



苏珊·马西克(Susan Massick)博士, a dermatologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, says with severely dry skin, you may notice:

  • 干燥,痛苦,发痒或鳞片
  • 发红或开始变质或开始结sc,外壳,剥皮或缩放
  • 灰色,灰白色的皮肤的斑块肤色较深
  • skin that has fine cracks
  • 由于严重的瘙痒而在晚上睡觉困难
  • 脓,水泡,气味或疼痛感染区域
  • 尽管使用了非处方保湿剂,但症状没有改善或恶化


If you’ve seen your doctor and have prescription medication, continue to use it. These home remedies aren’t meant to replace the treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.


Lathering up with harsh soaps that contain irritants or strong fragrances can cause all sorts of problems for your skin.

为了保持皮肤的底层保湿,美国骨质疗法皮肤病学建议使用温柔的肥皂such as:

If you want to maximize the results, consider using a skin cleanser instead of soap. They recommend:

2. Take time to moisturize


When choosing a moisturizer, Massick says to look for ones that are free of fragrances, perfumes, and dyes. She also points out that ointment and cream are better than lotion because they contain more oil.

For maximum relief, Massick says the most effective natural moisturizer is凡士林。她解释说:“这是非常保湿的,具有浓稠的润肤剂一致性。”




当您洗澡或淋浴时,请使用温水 - 不热。太热的水会使您的皮肤发炎,也破坏皮肤的自然水分平衡。另外,尝试将淋浴或沐浴时间限制为不超过10分钟。

If you like to keep the thermostat in your home or office on high, consider dialing it back. Heated air can rob your skin of moisture.







To make your own cold compress:

  • 将几块冰块放入塑料袋中,或者使用一小袋冷冻蔬菜。
  • 在冷水下运行一块布,然后将湿布缠绕在冰块或冷冻蔬菜的袋子上。
  • Place the cold compress on your skin for 15 minutes at a time.
  • 完成后轻轻拍打皮肤。


If your dry skin is especially itchy or irritated, you may want to consider applying an over-the-counter (OTC) hydrocortisone cream or ointment to the affected area after using a cold compress.






8. Consider natural products



  • 蜂蜜:具有抗炎和抗菌特性,honey可以用作天然伤口治疗剂和保湿剂。
  • 椰子油:具有抗菌和保湿特性,椰子油可以帮助保持皮肤水分,也可能减少炎症。
  • Aloe vera:通常以凝胶形式用于舒缓晒伤的皮肤,芦荟含有多糖,可刺激皮肤生长并有助于愈合干燥,刺激的皮肤。
  • 麦片:浸泡在胶体中oatmeal bath可能有助于舒缓干燥,刺激的皮肤。


  • Environmental triggers.The weather is often the most cited cause of severe dry skin, especially in winter. “Not only does the temperature drop, so does the humidity, which leads to drier air that can exacerbate your dry skin,” explains Massick. Plus, with heaters cranked up, and longer, hotter showers on the agenda, your skin may lose more moisture than usual.
  • Certain skin diseases.Skin conditions like湿疹psoriasis可以使您更容易干燥皮肤。Massick说:“湿疹(特应性皮炎)是儿童和成人干燥,发痒的皮肤最常见的原因。”
  • 系统性疾病。除了皮肤疾病外,全身性疾病(例如甲状腺疾病糖尿病, can also increase the risk of severe dry skin.
  • Lack of moisture.Just like your body can get dehydrated, so can your skin. That’s why Massick stresses the importance of moisturizing your skin regularly and also drinking plenty of fluids to keep your skin hydrated from the inside.
  • Age.Dry skin affects all ages. But it’s later in life that you may notice it the most. “Your skin becomes more sensitive and thinner over time,” says Massick. This may make your skin more prone to drying out quickly.
  • 营养缺乏。缺乏某些维生素和矿物质,尤其是维生素B-6zinc,会导致干燥,发痒的皮肤或皮肤需要更长的时间才能愈合。


In addition to any treatments your doctor may give you, try to:

  • 避免使用苛刻的肥皂
  • 通过喝大量液体来保持水分
  • take lukewarm showers
  • 干燥后,用温和的保湿剂涂抹皮肤
  • 避免刮擦皮肤
  • turn your thermostat down
  • 保持室内水分水平
  • 通过戴手套,围巾和任何可以保护裸露的皮肤的衣服来保护您的皮肤免受元素的影响

As with any health condition, if you have concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.



  • 您的皮肤渗出,起泡或有气味
  • 您的皮肤大片脱皮
  • 你有发痒的皮疹ring-shaped
  • 干燥的皮肤在使用家庭治疗几周后不会变得更好或变得更糟

You may need a prescription ointment or medication to treat your symptoms.


Staying hydrated, applying plenty of moisturizer to your skin, and avoiding overly heated air and hot showers can all help prevent your skin from becoming too dry.

If your skin does become severely dry, home treatments can often help. But if your skin doesn’t improve, or the symptoms get worse, be sure to follow up with a healthcare professional.