
You may notice depigmentation caused byvitiligoon one or both sides of your face. Some treatments may help reduce or contain depigmentation. Others can help blend the lightened areas with your natural skin color.

Vitiligo on the face can make you feel self-conscious, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family, or a mental health professional to talk about how you’re feeling. Finding support will go a long way in helping you cope.

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Depigmentation on the face appears as light patches or spots on your skin. This condition may also appear on other parts of your body that are exposed regularly to the sun, such as the hands and feet.


People of all races and genders experience vitiligo at the same rate, but it can be more noticeable in those with darker complexions. You’re most likely to develop vitiligo between the ages of10 and 30.

Skin depigmentation can spread over time. It may stay in an isolated spot, or, in time, it may grow and cover a majority of your face or other parts of your body.

Other conditions会导致皮肤的颜色变化,包括:


Vitiligo primarily affects your skin. Symptoms of facial vitiligo include:

  • 在脸部或斑块上发育的变浅或白色的皮肤
  • 头发过早灰色或白色,包括胡须,睫毛和眉毛
  • 嘴巴内的组织的亮起
  • 改变了视网膜的颜色

Other symptoms of vitiligo can range from person to person. You may have no other symptoms associated with the condition and feel fine. Or you may experience some of the following:

  • 疼痛
  • 瘙痒
  • 压力
  • low self-esteem
  • depression


  • Generalized.脱位在您的脸和身体上是对称的。这是白癜风的最常见类型。
  • 焦点。您的脸或身体的孤立区域只有几个斑点。
  • Segmental.You have depigmentation on just one side of your face or body.

除白癜风还引起与皮肤脱落无关的症状外,您可能还有另一种情况。拥有白癜风可能会增加您拥有的机会autoimmune condition.


  • 自身免疫性状况,改变您的免疫系统
  • your genetics and a family history of vitiligo
  • 压力
  • physical trauma
  • 疾病
  • 晒斑

Your doctor may be able to diagnose facial vitiligo from just a physical examination. Or your doctor may use one or more additional methods to diagnose the condition. These may include:

  • 查看受影响的区域伍德的灯,which uses ultraviolet (UV) rays to examine the skin
  • taking a blood test to check for conditions that are associated with vitiligo, likethyroid disease,diabetes,或另一种自身免疫性状况
  • discussing recent changes to your health, including sunburn, illness, or stress
  • 审查您的家族史
  • taking a skin biopsy to examine the cells that produce pigment

治疗for vitiligo vary. You may have a better chance of treating this condition if it’s on your face,comparedto other parts of your body. You may also be one of the10 to 20percent of people with vitiligo whose skin replenishes pigmentation. Or your treatment may be less successful and you’ll need to use other methods to manage skin depigmentation.


Makeup or self-tanner




Don’t think of this as a traditional tattoo that covers the depigmented skin. It’s actually a process called micropigmentation that adds pigment to your affected skin. This treatment method may be especially useful on your lips.


Medications may help reverse depigmentation on your face. Your doctor may recommend:

Talk with your doctor about which medication is right for you.

Light therapy

Lasers and other light-emitting devices may help reverse depigmentation from vitiligo. One type of light therapy includes the excimer laser that can treat the condition in a shorter period of time than other light therapies.

One 学习 examined this laser’s effects on three people with significant vitiligo on their faces. The laser and daily application of topical calcipotriene reduced depigmentation by more than 75 percent in a 10-to-20-week period.

Skin grafts

Another option is a skin graft to treat depigmented skin. For this procedure, your doctor takes pigmented skin from another area of your body and moves it to your face.


You may be a candidate to lighten your skin to blend depigmentation if vitiligo is on more than half of your body.

Herbal supplements

Limited evidence supports treatment of vitiligo with herbal supplements.

One review analyzed different studies of herbal treatments on vitiligo and concluded that more research is necessary to make any conclusions about their effectiveness. It did state thatginko bilobatherapy may be promising, but further research is needed.

The most crucial action to take at home if you experience vitiligo on your face is to protect it from the sun. The lightened skin from vitiligo is extremely sensitive to UV rays. Always use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and wear a hat if you’re going outside.

You may also want to take vitamin D supplements if you’re staying out of the sun to ensure you get enough of this important vitamin.

Makeup, like concealers and foundations that match your complexion, may reduce the discoloration caused by vitiligo.

Don’t get a traditional tattoo if you have vitiligo. This could cause a new patch of skin depigmentation to occur after a few weeks.

Experiencing facial depigmentation can be emotionally challenging. Reach out to friends and family for support. You can also find支持小组on the internet or in your community to help you cope with the condition. Or, you may want to approach a counselor to help you manage your feelings.

There are many ways to treat and manage facial vitiligo. Talk to your doctor about possible options for treatment, and seek out emotional support from friends and family, or a support group or counselor.
