Types of sinus surgery

在你的鼻腔蛀牙的系列are called the sinuses. Most people tend to think of the sinus system as the passages behind your nose, but there are also sinus cavities behind your forehead and eyes. Most people have a total of eight sinus cavities.

Sometimes, the sinus system faces problems such as a thickened lining, polyps (growths), or repeated infections. Some people are born with sinuses that aren’t shaped the typical way. All of these issues can cause respiratory difficulty. There are cases where the best treatment for sinus problems is sinus surgery.


  • 功能内窥镜手术
  • turbinate reduction surgery
  • 气球罪恶
  • sinus ostial dilation surgery

If sinus surgery has been recommended as an option for you, keep reading to find out what to expect.


  • 您将被置于本地或全身麻醉下。
  • A small telescope will be inserted into your sinuses so that the surgeon can get a detailed look at what’s happening as they work.
  • 然后医生将手术上移除堵塞,微小的骨骼,或来自鼻窦的息肉。
  • 如果您在局部麻醉下,您可能会感到压力或听取医生从鼻窦系统中删除事物。这与您在这里的牙医处于修复腔的牙医时类似于您在此处的噪音类似。

Some sinus surgeries use a small balloon to enlarge the sinuses during the procedure. Depending on the shape of your sinuses, your doctor may also suggest repairing the direction of your septum during the surgery. This can help you breathe more easily after you heal.

You should typically avoid over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin for a week before your sinus surgery. In certain cases, such as after a cardiac stent, people shouldn’t be off their medications for too long. To be safe, ask the surgeon how long they want you off of your medications.

Begin to irrigate the sinus passages with a saline spray, as well. You should also arrange for a ride to and from your procedure. You will not be able to drive home.

Like any surgical procedure, sinus surgery does have risks.


If you experience a severe headache that won’t go away, redness or swelling around your eyes, or a high fever (greater than 100.4°F) after your surgery, you need to get in touch with your doctor. Most likely, they will want to see you just to make sure there isn’t an infection developing.



After a sinus surgery, follow-up care is essential to make sure your sinuses heal correctly. It could take up to five days for you to feel up for your regular physical activity. You should avoid activities that elevate your blood pressure, such as weight lifting and running, until you get clearance from your doctor.


During the recovery process, you take special pain relief medication prescribed by your doctor. You may also be prescribed 皮质类固醇 。相反的药物,如阿司匹林和布洛芬,可能会干扰你的血压。通常不建议这些。



You’ll most likely have some nasal dripping or mucus that is bloody — this is normal. But you will need to avoid blowing your nose for 4 to 7 days after surgery. Blowing could disrupt the delicate sinuses as they heal.


Some insurance plans may cover sinus surgery, while others don’t. Sinus surgery is different than a cosmetic rhinoplasty (nose job). But correction of a deviated septum may still be an elective surgery under your insurance provider’s guidelines. Most insurance plans do cover surgery that is deemed essential by your doctor. Still, you may have to do some detective work to figure out if you’re going to be covered.


If you are considering sinus surgery, ask your doctor what your particular recovery experience would be like. Find out from your doctor whether there are certain risk factors in your health history that could make this surgery riskier for you. You may also want to ask what his or her personal success rate has been in the past with this kind of surgery.


The majority of people that have sinus surgery报告their symptoms improve greatly afterward. They have easier breathing, fewer infections, and increased sense of smell. To many people who have repeated sinus infections and difficulty breathing, this surgery is well worth the minimal risks it carries.