A dentist preparing to work on a patient who has signs of a tooth cavity. Share on Pinterest

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The health of your teeth is key to your overall health. Preventing tooth decay or cavities is one of the most important ways to keep your teeth in good condition and to prevent other complications.

根据疾病控制与预防中心的说法 30% of American adults have untreated dental cavities. Cavities left untreated can destroy your teeth and possibly create more serious issues.

That’s why it helps to know the signs of atooth cavity如果您认为自己有一位,请尽快去看牙医。

When food and bacteria build up in your teeth, it can form牌匾。斑块中的细菌产生的酸能够侵蚀牙齿表面上的搪瓷。



Areas in your mouth that may be at a higher risk of developing plaque include:

  • 磨牙的咀嚼表面可以在凹槽和缝隙中收集一些食物
  • between your teeth
  • the bottom of your teeth near your gums


  • 干果
  • 冰淇淋
  • 硬糖
  • soda
  • fruit juice
  • 芯片
  • sugary foods like cake, cookies, and gummy candy



Here are some of the most common signs you may have a cavity.

1. Hot and cold sensitivity


When the enamel on your tooth starts to wear away, it can affect the dentin, which is the hard tissue layer below the enamel. Dentin contains lots of microscopic little hollow tubes.

When there isn’t enough enamel to protect the dentin, foods that are hot, cold, sticky, or acidic can stimulate the cells and nerve inside your tooth. This is what creates the sensitivity you feel.


虽然冷热是当您有腔时最常见的敏感性,但Dr. Inna Chern,纽约通用牙科的创始人DDS表示,对糖果和含糖饮料的敏感性也可以指向蛀牙。

Similar to temperature sensitivity, a lingering discomfort from sweets is often a result of damage to the enamel and, more specifically, the start of a cavity.


An ongoing疼痛in one or more of your teeth can indicate a cavity. In fact, pain is one of the most common symptoms of a cavity.

Sometimes this ache can come on suddenly, or it can happen as a result of something you eat. This includes pain and discomfort in or around your mouth. You may also feel pain and pressure when you bite down on food.

4. Staining on tooth

Stains on your tooth may first appear as white spots. As the tooth decay becomes more advanced, the stain can become darker.






If you have a concern about a possible cavity, it’s time to make an appointment to see your dentist.

“如果你觉得温度或甜的敏感性lingers, make an appointment with your dental wellness provider to evaluate the area, especially if the issue lasts more than 24 to 48 hours,” Chern suggests.

A toothache that won’t go away or staining on your teeth are also reasons to see your dentist.


如果您担心自己的空腔并且还没有牙医,则可以通过Healthline FindCare tool


Here are some of the best ways to protect yourself against cavities and more serious tooth decay issues:

  • 每6个月见您的牙医每6个月常规清洁and exams.
  • 每天至少用牙膏刷两次fluoride
  • Establish a regular牙线例程,每天至少用牙线或牙线牙齿清洁牙齿之间。
  • 全天喝水,以帮助冲洗牙齿并增加唾液流动。口干可能会增加您的空腔风险。
  • 尽量不要定期饮用含糖的苏打水或果汁,并尝试减少含糖食品。
  • Ask your dentist for preventive products. Chern says if you’re very cavity-prone, ask your dentist for a prescription for high-fluoride Prevident toothpaste or rinse with a fluoride mouthwash like ACT, which is great for kids and adults.

购物含氟牙膏,floss,水牙, 和ACT mouthwash在线的。


If you notice any tooth sensitivity, pain, discomfort, discoloration, or holes in your teeth, don’t hesitate to call your dentist. The sooner you get a cavity checked, the less invasive and more successful the treatment is likely to be.