

  • muscles
  • ligaments
  • 骨头
  • individual joints

Your shoulders have the ability to move more than most joints. Your shoulder range of motion is, basically, how far you can move each shoulder in different directions without major joint pain or other issues.

Shoulder flexion

Flexion is a movement that decreases the angle between the two parts that the joint is connecting. If you hold your arms straight and palms against your sides and raise your arms in front of your body to point your hands at something in front of you, you’re practicing flexion.

A normal range of motion for shoulder flexion is 180 degrees. This involves moving your arms from palms against the side of your body to the highest point you can raise your arms over your head.


Extension is a movement that increases the angle between the two parts that the joint is connecting. If you reach your hands behind you — think about putting something in your back pocket — you’re practicing extension.

A normal range of motion for shoulder extension to the highest point you can lift your arm behind your back — starting with your palms next to your body — is between 45 and 60 degrees.

Shoulder abduction


A normal range for abduction, starting with your palms at your sides, is around 150 degrees in a healthy shoulder. This places your hands above your head with your arms straight.



A normal range of movement for shoulder adduction is 30 to 50 degrees depending on flexibility and body composition. If your chest or biceps are particularly muscular, it may be difficult to move your arms inward.

Medial rotation


想象一下你的身体是一个内阁,你的手臂是内阁门,你正在关闭门。这是内侧旋转 - 也称为内部旋转 - 健康肩部的正常运动范围为70至90度。

Lateral rotation

用双臂在你身边,面向你的身体的手掌,弯曲你的肘部90度。保持你的肘部对你的身体摆脱你的前臂远离你的身体。这是横向旋转 - 也称为外部旋转 - 健康肩部的正常运动范围是90度。

Your shoulder is made up of many different moving parts. The ball of your upper arm fits into your shoulder socket. It’s held there with muscles, tendons, and ligaments. An issue with just one of these parts can affect your range of motion.

Common issues include:

Your doctor will diagnose a potential issue through a series of tests, which may include:

If you’re worried about the range of motion of your shoulder, you should mention the issue to your doctor.

A normal range of motion for your shoulder depends on your flexibility and the overall health of your shoulder.
