If you’re interested in a simple way to do exercises for your shoulders, a resistance band may be the perfect fitness tool. Resistance bands are portable, convenient, and inexpensive, so you can carry a set with you when you’re on the go or traveling.

阻力带练习for shoulders are effective and simple to do, which means they’re accessible to a wide range of fitness levels and abilities.

您可以轻松地在当前的锻炼方案中添加阻力带练习,或者使用它们来创建new exercise routine这将提供一个新的挑战。

这些练习将有助于改善肩部流动性and work some muscles that are important for stability, such as those in the rotator cuff. Read on to learn how to do resistance band exercises for your shoulder muscles, as well as some benefits of resistance band training.


For each exercise, do 1–3 sets of 8–15 repetitions, or modify this as directed by your doctor, physical therapist, or personal trainer.


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This exercise strengthens your shoulders, upper back, and upper arms. It helps improve姿势对于经常坐着或进行前瞻性运动的人来说是有益的。

  1. 站在乐队的中间。
  2. 将末端交叉至对面,因此乐队在小腿前面交叉。
  3. 当您稍微向前弯曲时,将臀部铰接在臀部上,保持脊柱长而中性,并在整个运动过程中保持膝盖略微弯曲。
  4. Pull the band upward and out to the sides until your hands are at chest height or higher.
  5. 将您的肩blade骨拉在一起。
  6. 保持这个位置几秒钟。
  7. Slowly return to the starting position.

This exercise strengthens your anterior (front) shoulders. To promote proper posture, draw your shoulder blades down, elongate your spine, andengage your abdominals

  1. 站在乐队的中间,对另一只手握住每一端,因此乐队在小腿的前面交叉。
  2. 将手掌放在大腿上。
  3. 提高你的手臂直在你的面前,阻止ing when they’re at shoulder height. Try to avoid swinging or rocking backward as you raise them.
  4. 在慢慢返回起始位置之前暂停。

This exercise targets your shoulders, upper back, and core muscles.

  1. 站在乐队的中间。
  2. Hold each end of the band in the opposite hand with your palms facing inward and the band crossed in front of your lower legs.
  3. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows as you raise your arms to the sides.
  4. 暂停几秒钟,手臂略高于肩膀高度。
  5. Slowly return to the starting position.

This exercise targets your lats and rhomboids, as well as your middle and lower trapezius. Draw your shoulder blades together as you complete the movement. Avoid hunching your shoulders and keep your neck relaxed.

  1. Anchor the resistance band around a doorknob or secure object.
  2. Grasp a handle in each hand, keeping your forearms parallel to the floor.
  3. 弯曲肘部,将手臂直接移回肋骨的侧面。注意不要拱起背部或向前推肋。
  4. Slowly return to the starting position.

This exercise works your rear shoulders and upper back, helping to correct andprevent rounded shoulders。它还改善了肩部稳定性,这可以帮助您执行高架运动。

This exercise is ideal for people who do activities that cause them to hunch forward. Moving your hands closer together on the band will increase the resistance.

  1. 握住乐队,直接将手臂伸到您面前。
  2. 延长脊椎,并保持肘部稍微弯曲。
  3. Pull the band apart as far as you can.
  4. 将您的肩blade骨拉在一起。
  5. 保持这个位置几秒钟。
  6. Slowly return to the starting position.

This exercise targets your shoulders, back, and triceps. It improves stability, mobility, and posture.

  1. 将乐队伸直头顶。
  2. Pull the band apart as your lower your arms to shoulder height, pressing your hands out to the sides.
  3. 保持这个位置几秒钟。
  4. Slowly return to the starting position, aiming to keep your shoulder blades down, away from your ears.


Safe and low impact: Ideal for shoulders


Doing gentle exercises to build strength, stability, and mobility can help you maintain the health of your shoulders and prevent injury ( 1 ,,,, 2 )。

Can be modified to suit individual needs

Resistance bands become more resistant as you stretch them. This makes the exercises more difficult as the bands get stretched and easier when there’s more slack.

As such, it’s easy to modify the intensity of a movement. You can modify the resistance level to suit your needs.

Portable, inexpensive, and easy to use


阻力带练习can help improve flexibility and function and correct muscle imbalances. Plus, they may help relieve back or shoulder pain, especially after an injury or surgery, so you can go about your day in greater comfort.

If you’re using these exercises after an injury or surgery, be sure to consult your healthcare team first.


  • how and where you’d like to use the bands
  • 您想要的阻力类型
  • 您可能会发现有用的功能,例如

You can find more information about resistance bands and popular options in this5个带有抵抗训练的乐队文章。


