
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) among men and women.


近8000万美国人HPV,根据 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 。This represents almost one in four people in the United States. Unless they receive the vaccination, most sexually active people will contract HPV.


Depending on theHPV的类型你有,病毒可以在你的身体中徘徊多年。在大多数情况下,您的身体可以产生针对病毒的抗体,并在一到两年内清除病毒。大多数HPV的菌株永久地离开而没有治疗。


HPV doesn’t always cause symptoms, so the only way to be sure of your status is through regular testing. HPV screening for男子isn’t available. Women should talk with their doctor about screening guidelines, as these vary depending on a woman’s age and Pap smear history.

The initial infection may not cause any symptoms.

有时,may appear weeks, months, or even years later. The type of warts present generally depends on the type of HPV that you have.

  • 生殖器疣。Genital wartscan present as tiny, stemlike bumps or flatlesions。它们也可以具有花椰菜状的外观。虽然他们通常不会伤害,但他们可能会痒。
  • Common warts. Common warts are rough, raised bumps that usually appear on the hands, fingers, or elbows.
  • Plantar warts.Plantar wartsare hard, grainy bumps that typically occur on the balls of the feet or the heels.
  • 扁平疣。扁平疣are flat, slightly raised, and smooth lesions that can appear anywhere on the body. They’re typically darker than the surrounding skin.

Women may also discover that they have HPV if abnormalities in thecervixare detected by aPap smear要么活检

HPV isn’t curable, but its symptoms aretreatable

您的医生可以删除出现的任何疣。如果存在癌前细胞,则可以移除受影响的组织以减少风险癌症。HPV-related cancers such asthroat要么颈椎网在早期诊断时,癌症更具可治疗

HPV is nearly universal among sexually active men and women.


Men and women are also eligible to receive theHPV疫苗接种直到26岁。虽然疫苗接种不能治疗现有的HPV感染,但它可以降低您收缩其他HPV菌株的风险。

You can prevent an HPV infection with the help of safe sex practices and the HPV vaccine.


练习safe sexcan prevent the spread of HPV. It’s possible to contract multiple forms, so it’s important to protect yourself against further infection.

You should always use a barrier method, such as a男性避孕套要么a牙齿大坝, during sexual activity.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved theGardasil 9 vaccine防止HPV。它对最常见的四种HPV有效,这些HPV是6,11,16和18。它还保护31,33,45,52和58。

The Gardasil 4 vaccine, also known as the Gardasil vaccine , was available in the United States until 2017. It protects against the four most common types.


Doctors can give the vaccine as a series of three shots over six months. For maximum effect, it’s necessary to receive all three shots. Children who begin the vaccination series before they turn 15 will receive 只有两个镜头 over the course of 6 to 12 months.

