What is a serum magnesium test?

镁是重要的功能body and can be found in many common foods. Rich magnesium sources include green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans. Your tap water may also contain magnesium.

根据 国立卫生研究院(NIH) , this mineral plays a role in more than 300 of your body’s biochemical reactions. For example, it helps regulate血压和yourheartbeat. It also helps maintainbone strength.

Having too little magnesium in your body can negatively affect all of these functions. It’s possible to have too much magnesium as well.

If your doctor suspects that your magnesium level is太低或者太高, they may order a serum magnesium test. This test involves a basic blood draw. Your doctor will collect some of your blood into a vial or tube and send it to a lab for testing.

血清镁测试未包括routine electrolyte panel,因此通常必须对镁水平进行测试。

Your doctor may order a test if they suspect your magnesium level is too high or too low. Either extreme can lead to health problems. This test may also be ordered if you have chronic lowcalciumlevels. Magnesium plays a role in regulating the calcium and potassium levels in your body. Your doctor may check your magnesium if these levels are consistently low.

This test may also be necessary if your doctor thinks you might have a吸收不良或者营养不良问题。如果您服用某些药物或有糖尿病,肾脏问题, orchronic diarrhea. Regular testing helps your doctor stay on top of your condition.

The signs and symptoms of an overdose include:

On rare occasions, magnesium overdose can lead to心脏骤停或者death.

仅通过食物就过量服用镁是很少见的。NIH提供了高镁的食物清单。Shredded wheat cereal,干烤杏仁,煮沸菠菜are at the top of the list. Each one of these foods provides only about 20 percent of your daily value of magnesium per serving. Instead, magnesium overdose may be due to taking too many magnesium supplements.

People who take these supplements may be doing so to counter the symptoms of certain conditions, such as diabetes,alcohol use disorder,Crohn’s disease,或吸收营养的问题。还建议将这些补充剂用于血液中的低钾和钙水平。

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency initially include:

As the deficiency progresses, you may experience:

You can expect to feel some minor pain during a blood draw. You might also continue to bleed slightly for a few minutes after the procedure. You may get a挫伤at the needle insertion site.

Serious risks are rare and includefainting, infection, and inflammation.

血清镁的正常范围是1.7 to 2.3 milligrams per deciliterfor people 17 years old and up, according to Mayo Medical Laboratories.


  • age
  • 健康
  • 体型
  • sex








低水平也可能是由于酒精使用障碍以及在称为del妄(DT)的疾病过程中。DT是由alcohol withdrawal和involves trembling,agitation, 和hallucinations.