
Tai chi is an ancient Chinese movement practice that offers a number of对健康的益处. For seniors in particular, it can have significant benefits. That’s because it focuses on muscle control, stability, balance, and flexibility. The movements are also very gentle.

如果那不引起您的兴趣,请考虑这一切chi(传统上拼写qiand pronounced “chee”). Chi translates to “life energy.” What older person wouldn’t like more energy?

Research shows that practicing tai chi can improve balance, stability, and flexibility in older people, including those with Parkinson’s disease. Practiced regularly, it can also help reduce pain, especially fromknee osteoarthritis,背部问题, 和fibromyalgia.

Regular practice of tai chi can significantly reduce the risk of下降among older adults. A 2017 review 发表在《美国老年学会杂志》上发现,泰志减少了50%。

A study in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, as well as a study published in reported that tai chi can also help reduce the害怕跌倒,这本身就是跌倒的风险。这也可能有助于改善老年人的情绪和生活质量,他们有时会因为担心跌倒而限制他们的活动。

The movements listed below are a nice introduction to tai chi. Performed regularly, they may help increase balance and stability. The poses in this routine can also be done in a chair. But it’s better to do them standing if you are able. For support, you can always hold onto a chair.

This warmup will help improve balance and work your leg muscles.


  • 腿部比臀部距离稍宽,膝盖略微弯曲。慢慢地习惯将您的体重从左至右转移。你的手臂可以在你身边休息;您的手可以放在臀部上。
  • You can also rest your hands on a chair back for support.
  • 慢慢地控制控制,将重量转移到一条腿上,支撑大约70%的腿。然后切换到另一腿。
  • Repeat at least 3 times.

Torso twists


  • 对于这个运动,把哟ur hands on your hips to help you feel how much you are turning — you don’t want to be turning from the hips. Rather, you want to turn from the torso.
  • 深入吸气,感觉您的脊椎长寿更长。当您呼气时,请轻轻扭曲您的躯干。您的臀部自然会带着躯干稍微移动,但这对您的脊椎来说是一个转折。你的膝盖应该保持在脚踝上方。
  • They should stay equally bent. This is very subtle, but the small movements actually work your core. This increases your core stability.
  • Let your breath guide how fast you move here. Twist at least five times to both sides.


  • 站在与热身相同的中性位置,左脚踩到髋关节距离(如果您舒服的话,脚可能会更近),双手放在侧面。
  • Bring your hands together in front of your face, palms facing down, your fingertips pointing in toward each other, and your arms as straight as you can comfortably get them.
  • Look at your hands and continue to do so as you breathe in gently and begin to push your arms straight out in front of you, then up, until they are above your head.
  • 当您呼气时,将手臂伸直并向两侧。
  • Repeat at least 5 times.

This opens the chest and lungs, stimulating the heart and circulation. It also helps build strength in the arms, shoulders, chest, and legs.

  • 用右脚走出来,比肩膀宽度稍宽。用头和躯干向右看,就像以前的轻柔扭曲一样。
  • 将双手放在拳头上,然后将双臂抬到右边的胸部高度时吸气。当然,您的右臂会比您的左手更远,因为您转过身。
  • As you exhale, pull your left elbow back, lift your right thumb and forefinger to the sky (pointing up), and bend your knees, squatting as deeply as you comfortably can.
  • Look beyond the backward “L” you are creating with your right hand. Inhale here, and exhale as you release your hands down, straighten your legs, and ease back to neutral.
  • 在另一侧重复。
  • Repeat this at least 3 times on each side.

This is a great shoulder stretch. It helps energy flow through the joints and increases circulation to your organs. It also stimulates and stretches the front side of the body.

  • 画弓后,左脚向后走。您的脚应分开。将手放在双方。
  • 吸气时,双手抬起手掌,指尖彼此指向胸部高度。当您到达那里时,请短暂放松并呼气。
  • 吸气时,将右手手掌伸到头顶上方。将左手手掌向下发送,回到骨盆。
  • 当您呼气时,将它们拉回去见面,将它们保持在身体的中线。吸气时,切换运动,左手上升和右手降低。
  • Repeat this movement at least 8 times as you breathe slowly with control.

Practicing these three simple tai chi movements several times a week can offer a host of significant health benefits, especially for seniors. As always, check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.