Self-actualization can mean a lot of things depending who you ask.

最广泛接受的定义之一来自人文心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)。他将自动化描述为成为“您能够成为一切的一切”的过程。

Kim Egel, a San Diego therapist, similarly explains it as the “ability to become the best version of yourself.”

It all sounds great — but how do you actually become this best version of yourself? And how will you know you’ve achieved it?

“There’s no script for that,” Egel adds. “Everyone has to find their own unique ways to hear the inner wisdom that can help them live a life of truth.”

Only you can determine what self-actualization means for you, but we’ve got the info to help you get the ball rolling and make the process feel less daunting.


He organized these needs into a pyramid:

  • 最低阶段包含最基本的需求,例如食物,水和庇护所。
  • 第二阶段代表安全需求。
  • 第三个包括归属或关系需求。
  • The fourth stage involves respect or esteem needs, both from the self and others.
  • The fifth stage, or the tip of the pyramid, is self-actualization.
Illustration by Ruth Basagoitia




Self-actualization doesn’t involve perfection or things always going smoothly. You can become self-actualized and still face difficulties.

实际上,自我实现的很大一部分是认识到您的局限性,除了关注自己的独特优势 - 无论是涉及实际技能,育儿,艺术才能还是情感见解。雷竞技ray



You practice, develop this skill, and continue improving over time. Maybe you never become a pop singer, but you live out your need to make music in a different way.


There are a range of characteristics that tend to be associated with self-actualization.



  • 独立生活。他们不会围绕他人的意见构建生活。他们似乎不会被社会反馈所震撼。他们也对孤独and don’t always need company.
  • 对现实和真理有一种理解。他们似乎更扎根,并与实际的可能性保持联系,并且有更轻松的时间来检测他人的虚假性。
  • Are comfortable with the unknown.他们不介意不知道未来的情况。
  • Have compassion, kindness, and acceptance.这既是对自己,也是他们遇到的其他人。
  • Have a good-natured sense of humor.当他们犯错误并帮助他人在具有挑战性的情况下看到幽默时,他们会嘲笑自己。
  • Enjoy meaningful friendships.They tend to build long-lasting关系有几个人,而不是与许多人的休闲友谊。
  • Have a sense of spontaneity.他们更自然地生活,而不是以一种僵化的方式生活,不怕遵循当下发生的事情而不是坚持常规。
  • Are creative.Creativity doesn’t just refer to artistic abilities. Some self-actualized people might have a knack for looking at problems in new ways or thinking along different lines than other people do. They may simply lack inhibition, another characteristic of a spontaneous nature.
  • 享受高峰经历。A peak experience describes a moment of euphoria, wonder, and joy, often characterized by a sense of feeling connected to the universe. They might seem like eye-opening moments, where deeper meanings suddenly become clear. They aren’t necessarily spiritual, though.
  • 专注于比自己更大的事情。他们倾向于看到大局,而不仅仅是考虑自己的生活,而是将自己的生活献给了使命,事业或更深层次的目标。
  • Stop and smell the roses.They appreciate each positive or joyful moment — a sunrise, a partner’s kiss, a child’s laugh — as if it were the first, no matter how many times they’ve already experienced it.
  • 有一种正义感。他们对所有人都有同情和关怀,并努力防止不公正或不道德行为。
  • 拥有Gemeinschaftsgefühl或“社交感觉”。阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒(Alfred Adler)创造的这个词描述了对其他人类的普遍福祉的兴趣和关注。




These tips can serve as additional guideposts along your way.

Practice acceptance

Learning to accept what comes — as it comes — can help you achieve self-actualization.



Acceptance also refers to human experience. It’s not always easy to like people who behave in unkind orproblematic方法。但是,您仍然可以通过认识到每个人都有自己的环境要应对,仍然可以扩大同情心。


Live spontaneously

To live with spontaneity, try enjoying each moment as it comes, without trying to worry about what you should do.



Spontaneity can be as simple as taking a different route home or trying a food you’d never considered before. Your heart can be a great guide, so pay attention to any gut instincts you feel.



Pretty much everyone benefits from some occasional “me time。”有些人可能比其他人更多或更少。您如何度过这段时间可能比从中获得的要小。

自我实现的人通常感到平静和peace on their own, so aim to reconnect with yourself until you look forward to your moments alone as much as (or more than) the time you spend with others.


This sounds like a cliche, but it’s a key step to self-actualization. Take time to appreciate aspects of your day-to-day life that often go ignored in the busyness of living.


  • 一顿美味的饭
  • 从你的宠物那里拥抱
  • 好天气
  • a job you enjoy

Live authentically




You’re also honest with yourself about yourneedsand desires. You respect the rights and needs of others, of course, but you work to achieve your goals as only you can. You work to maximizeyour潜力,不是别人的。





Looking for more ways to build compassion? Try:

  • volunteering for charitable organizations or human interest projects
  • exploring ways to improve your community
  • 计算碳足迹并采取步骤进行改进

Talk to a therapist

Therapy can help you take steps toward any of your goals, and self-actualization is no exception. Plus, you don’t need to be facing a mental health issue to seek therapy.

Wanting to develop compassion, spontaneity, and authenticity are totally acceptable reasons to seek therapy.


谈话治疗,大多数人就叫“治疗,” is actually one type ofhumanistic therapy(which Maslow helped develop).

If you’d like to dig a little deeper into spirituality or existential topics, though, consider exploring more specialized approaches like transpersonal therapy or existential therapy.





“Growth never ends until the journey of life is complete,” Egel says. “Reaching a point of self-actualization has to be maintained, just as a level of peak fitness must be maintained by consistent healthy habits and behaviors.”


Self-actualization isn’t a one-size-fits-all goal. No two people are exactly alike, so everyone will probably have a slightly different path.

It’s also not something you can accomplish in a weekend.



Crystal Raypole以前曾担任GoodTherapy的作家和编辑。她感兴趣的领域包括亚洲语言和文学,日语翻译,烹饪,自然科学,性积极性和心理健康。特别是,她致力于帮助减少有关心理健康问题的污名。