Secondhand smoke refers to the fumes that are emitted when smokers use:

  • 香烟
  • pipes
  • cigars
  • other tobacco products


Secondhand smoke is also called:

  • 侧流烟
  • 环境烟雾
  • 被动烟
  • 非自愿烟


According to the 世界卫生组织(WHO) ,在烟草烟雾中发现了7,000多种化学物质。总的来说,至少有69个是癌变的。超过250种有害于其他方式。

Fluids such as blood and urine in nonsmokers might test positive for nicotine, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde. The longer you’re exposed to secondhand smoke, the greater the risk you are of inhaling these toxic chemicals.


  • bars
  • 汽车
  • homes
  • parties
  • 休闲区
  • 餐馆
  • 工作场所

As the public learns more about the harmful effects of smoking, overall smoking rates continue to go down among teens and adults. However, according to the 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) ,,,,58 million American nonsmokers are still exposed to secondhand smoke.

Overall, WHO estimates that 1.2 million premature deaths per year are related to secondhand smoke worldwide.


这only way to eliminate such risks is to stay away from tobacco smoke entirely.

Secondhand smoke exposure is common in adults.

You might work with others who smoke around you, or you might be exposed during social or recreational events. You might also live with a family member who smokes.


Cardiovascular diseases

Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at a 25-30% greater risk ofheart diseaseand have a higher risk ofstroke

Also, smoke exposure can make preexisting cases of高血压更差。


Adults may develop asthma and have frequent respiratory illnesses. If you already have哮喘,在烟草烟雾周围可能会使您的症状恶化。



吸烟的人生活或与某人一起工作可能会增加您的肺癌风险 30 percent

Other cancers

Among the possibilities include:

Cancers of the sinus cavity are also possible.



这health consequences of secondhand smoke in children include:

  • 肺部健康影响。这包括延迟的肺发育和哮喘。
  • Respiratory infections.Children exposed to secondhand smoke have more frequent infections.肺炎and支气管炎是最常见的。
  • 耳朵感染。这se often occur in the middle ear and are frequent in nature.
  • Worsening asthma symptoms,例如咳嗽和喘息。患有哮喘的儿童也可能会因频繁二手烟雾暴露而遭受哮喘发作。
  • Constant cold or asthma-like symptoms.这se include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, as well as sneezing and runny nose.
  • 脑部肿瘤。这se might develop later in life, too.

Infants are even more vulnerable to the effects of secondhand smoke because it can causesudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Pregnant women who are exposed to secondhand smoke may also deliver children with low birth weights.

WHO estimates that 65,000 fatalities are reported in children related to secondhand smoke. As a parent, one of the best ways you can prevent secondhand smoke exposure for your child is to戒烟你自己。

You don’t have to smoke a cigarette yourself to get the adverse health effects of smoking.





If you’re around tobacco smoke, the only way you can fully eliminate exposure is by leaving the affected place entirely.

这problem according to the CDC 但是,大多数二手烟暴露在家庭和工作现场内发生。

In such cases, it’s nearly impossible to avoid secondhand smoke as a nonsmoker. This is especially true for children whose parents smoke inside houses and cars.
