脊柱侧弯是脊柱的异常曲率。一个人的脊柱的正常形状包括肩膀顶部的曲线和下背部的曲线。如果您的脊柱从一侧到另一侧或“ S”或“ C”形弯曲,则可能患有脊柱侧弯。

根据American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), about 80 percent of scoliosis cases have no identifiable cause.

The condition is often diagnosed during the first 7 years of a child’s life. Common causes, when they can be pinpointed, are:


  • 婴儿:0 to 3 years
  • 少年:4至10年
  • Adolescent:11 to 18 years
  • 成人:18岁以上

Of these, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most common, according to theaans.


  • 先天性其中脊柱畸形在出生时显而易见
  • neurological,当神经异常影响脊柱的肌肉

Scoliosis can also be categorized as either structural or nonstructural. In structural scoliosis, the spine’s curve is caused by a disease, injury, or birth defect, and is permanent.

Nonstructural scoliosis describes temporary curves that can be fixed.

Symptoms vary depending on the degree of scoliosis. Common symptoms associated with scoliosis include:

  • one shoulder blade that’s higher than the other
  • one shoulder blade that sticks out more than the other
  • uneven hips
  • 旋转的脊柱
  • problems breathing because of reduced area in the chest for lungs to expand
  • back pain

The cause of scoliosis often can’t be determined. Common causes that doctors may identify include:

  • 脑瘫, a group of nervous system disorders that affect movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking
  • muscular dystrophy, a group of genetic disorders that result in muscle weakness
  • 影响婴儿脊骨骨骼的出生缺陷,例如spina bifida
  • spinal injuries or infections



Physical exam


Next, your doctor will ask you to bend forward, looking for any curvature in your upper and lower back.



治疗取决于许多因素 - 脊柱曲率的程度是主要因素。您的医生还将考虑:

  • your age
  • 您是否可能继续成长
  • 曲率的数量和类型
  • the type of the scoliosis







There are two main types of braces:

  • Underarm:由塑料制成,靠近身体,该支架几乎是看不见的。它用于治疗下部的脊柱曲线,并适合身体的下部。
  • Milwaukee:该支撑始于脖子,覆盖了整个躯干,除了腿和手臂。它用于底漆无法解决的曲线。



Spinal fusionis the standard scoliosis surgery. In this procedure, the doctor fuses your vertebrae together using a bone graft, rods, and screws. Thebone graftconsists of bone or a material like it.


Some of the risks of spinal fusion surgery include:

  • 过多的出血
  • failure to heal
  • 感染
  • pain
  • 神经损伤

Certain therapies can aid in managing scoliosis pain, though they won’t help to correct the curvature itself.

Some techniques need more research but may be recommended by your doctor, such ashydrotherapy,按摩,电刺激, 和back braces.



锻炼and stretching for scoliosis pain symptoms can’t fix the underlying issue, but it’s important for general wellness and can help keep you flexible.




Chiropractic treatment

An 较旧的2011年研究 建议脊椎治疗可能有助于减轻脊柱侧弯时的疼痛并增加柔韧性。

Note that this kind of treatment isn’t a cure for the curvature of scoliosis. Look for a chiropractor who specializes in scoliosis to avoid使病情恶化.


Living with scoliosis can be difficult. If you’re looking for help managing your scoliosis, you may want to seek out a support group.

Support groups allow you to meet others who are experiencing the same things, and you can find encouragement and advice about dealing with the condition on a daily basis.

TheNational Scoliosis Foundation (NSF)is a good starting point for finding resources.