Salt water gargles are a simple, safe, and affordable home remedy.

They’re most often used for喉咙痛,病毒呼吸道感染感冒, orsinus infections。They can also help with allergies or other mild issues. Salt water gargles may be effective for both relieving infections and preventing them from getting worse, as well.

制作盐水的漱口非常容易。它仅需要两种成分 - 水和盐。制作和申请的时间很少,对于6岁以上的儿童来说,这是完全安全的(对于任何可以轻松扣除的人)。


Salt water gargles have become a popular standby for some minor ailments. They’ve also been used successfully as alternative treatments since before modern medicine.

In fact, research and modern medicine still support salt water gargles today as an effective approach for certain mild health issues.

Salt has been scientifically proven to help draw water out of oral tissues, while creating a salt barrier that locks out water and harmful pathogens from getting back inside.

这使得盐水漱口的阻塞g viruses and bacteria, reducing the chance of infections in the mouth and throat, and relieving inflammation in certain cases. These include:


While they’re very old home remedies, salt water gargles are still recommended for throat pain by doctors in clinical settings, noted in a2011 clinical inquiry

它们对于引起轻度喉咙痛的感冒或fl尤其有效 - 但在借助对乙酰氨基酚(Tylenol) oribuprofen(Advil).

Sinus and respiratory infections


A 2013年研究 关于非医学流感预防方法,发现盐水的扣在预防重新感染方面可能比流感疫苗。也就是说,当受试者与很多人接触时。


由于喉咙的炎症也可以通过一定过敏— such as花粉或者dogcat dander— salt water gargles may also help with uncomfortable sore throat symptoms due to allergic reactions.


Salt water can draw out water and bacteria while protecting the gums, so gargles may be effective for improving gum anddental health。They may also help prevent牙龈炎,牙周炎, 和cavities


Canker sores

与喉咙痛相同的线,盐水扣可以减轻canker sores,也称为口腔溃疡。他们可以通过缓解这些疮的​​疼痛和炎症来做到这一点。

Making a salt water gargle at home is very easy and straightforward. Adults of all ages and children over the age of 6 can use it. The exception would be children under 6 and anyone who has a difficult time gargling.

How it’s made

Mix about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt to every 8 ounces of water.

The water may be best warm, since warmth can be more relieving to a sore throat than cold. It’s also generally more pleasant. But if you prefer cold water, it won’t interfere with the remedy’s effectiveness.

温水也可以帮助盐更容易溶于水中。如果您使用粗海盐或犹太盐而不是更精细的碘盐或奶盐,则更好地溶解盐可能是理想的选择。您可以使用任何盐的类型for salt water gargles.

How it’s done


In the case of infections, spitting out salt water is considered better at keeping the infection at bay. Be careful if doing multiple mouth rinses per day and swallowing too much salt water, as it can dehydrate you.

喝过多的盐水也会有健康风险,例如calcium deficiencyhigh blood pressure

Gargling at least twice a day is recommended. You can safely gargle many more times than that, too.

If you’d like to improve the taste, try adding:


