
A salivary gland infection occurs when a bacterial or viral infection affects your salivary gland or duct. The infection can result from reduced saliva flow, which can be due to a blockage or inflammation of your salivary duct. The condition is called sialadenitis.

唾液艾滋病digestion, breaks down food, and works to keep your mouth clean. It washes away bacteria and food particles. It also helps control the amount of good and bad bacteria in your mouth. Fewer bacteria and food particles are washed away when saliva doesn’t freely travel throughout your mouth. This may lead to infection.

You have three pairs of large (major) salivary glands. They’re located on each side of your face. Parotid glands, which are the largest, are inside each cheek. They sit above your jaw in front of your ears. When one or more of these glands is infected, it’s called parotitis.


These infections result from reduced saliva production. This is often caused by the blockage or inflammation of the salivary gland duct. Viruses and other medical conditions can also reduce saliva production, including:


  • 超过65岁
  • having inadequate oral hygiene
  • not being immunized against mumps



  • 恒定的异常或嘴里的味道
  • inability to fully open your mouth
  • 打开口腔或进食时不适或疼痛
  • 脓在你的嘴里
  • dry mouth
  • 嘴里疼痛
  • face pain
  • redness or swelling over your jaw in front of your ears, below your jaw, or on the bottom of your mouth
  • 你的脸肿胀要么neck
  • signs of infection, such as发热要么寒冷


Salivary gland infection complications are uncommon. If a salivary gland infection is left untreated, pus can collect and form an abscess in the salivary gland.

A salivary gland infection caused by abenign tumor可能导致腺体的扩大。恶性(cancerous)肿瘤可以快速生长并导致脸部受影响的侧面的运动失去。这可能会损害部分或所有区域。


You may also have complications if the initial bacterial infection spreads from the salivary gland to other parts of the body. This can include a bacterial skin infection called蜂窝织炎要么Ludwig’s angina, which is a form of cellulitis that occurs in the bottom of the mouth.

Your doctor can diagnose a salivary gland infection with a visual exam. Pus or pain at the affected gland can indicate a bacterial infection.

If your doctor suspects a salivary gland infection, you may have additional testing to confirm the diagnosis and determine the underlying cause. The following imaging tests can be used to further analyze a salivary gland infection caused by an abscess, salivary stone, or tumor:

Your doctor may also perform a活检受影响的唾液腺和导管用于测试组织或液体用于细菌或病毒。

治疗depends on the severity of the infection, the underlying cause, and any additional symptoms you have, such as swelling or pain.

Antibiotics may be used to treat a bacterial infection, pus, or fever. A fine needle aspiration may be used to drain an abscess.


  • drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily with lemon to stimulate saliva and keep glands clear
  • 按摩受影响的腺体
  • 将温热的压缩施加到受影响的腺体上
  • 用温暖的盐水冲洗口腔
  • 吸吮酸柠檬或无糖柠檬糖,鼓励唾液流量,减少肿胀


There’s no way to prevent most salivary gland infections. The best way to reduce your risk of developing an infection is to drink plenty of fluids and practice良好的口腔卫生。这包括每天两次刷牙和牙线。