
粘液是一种保护性的物质产生的μcous membrane, a type of tissue lining the nasal cavity. Mucus moistens the air you breathe, and it acts as a barrier to keep dust, pollen, and bacteria out of your lungs.

Your nose produces mucus every day, yet you probably don’t notice because it mixes with saliva and drips down the back of your throat.



室内和室外过敏can trigger an allergic response. Allergens include:

  • 灰尘
  • pollen
  • ragweed
  • pet dander

Allergens cause symptoms such as打喷嚏, aheadache, or a咽喉痛。这些吸入的颗粒也会刺激鼻腔,导致过量的粘液和流鼻涕。

To cope with allergies and reduce drainage from the nose, limit exposure to substances that trigger a reaction. Many over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines can block histamine and stop an allergic response.

If these medications don’t work, ask your doctor about prescription antihistamines.

普通感冒, or an upper respiratory infection, causes inflammation in the mucous membrane lining of the nose, resulting in too much mucus. In addition to a runny nose, the common cold can sometimes cause nasal congestion.

Other symptoms include coughing, a sore throat, and fatigue. There isn’t a cure for the common cold, but OTC cold medications can help relieve symptoms. Getting plenty of rest, taking vitamin C, and drinking hot liquids may help you feel better sooner.


Sinusitis(sinus infection) is a complication of the common cold. It occurs when the cavities around your nasal passage become inflamed. This inflammation also triggers an increase in mucus production in the nose.

Other symptoms of sinusitis include a headache, nasal congestion, and facial pain.

Treatment can involve pain medication, use of a nasal corticosteroid to stop inflammation, or an antibiotic to kill the bacterial infection.

在这种情况下,鼻腔通道之间的墙在一侧流离失所或弯曲。有些人天生有deviated septum,但这也可能是由于鼻子受伤而导致的。

A deviated septum can lead to repeated sinus infections and inflammation around the nasal passage, causing a runny nose.

Your doctor may recommend an antihistamine or a nasal steroid spray to manage this symptom. If this doesn’t work, surgery can correct a deviated septum.

流感virus also causes inflammation in the mucous membrane of the nose. The flu is highly contagious and other symptoms can include:

  • fever
  • 肌肉疼痛
  • chills
  • headache
  • 拥塞
  • 疲倦

OTC cold or flu medications can help relieve symptoms and reduce pain. Ingredients in these medications typically include a decongestant, a fever reducer, and a pain reliever.


Even though medication is available to help relieve excess mucus production, a few may trigger a runny nose in some people.


Read the label on medications for a list of common side effects. When a medication triggers a runny nose, this is due to nonallergic rhinitis.

Nonallergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis)的特征在于鼻腔和模仿花粉症(流鼻涕和打喷嚏)中的炎症。然而,这些症状是由于未知原因引起的,没有由组胺或过敏原触发。

In addition to medication-induced nonallergic rhinitis, other factors that can trigger this form of rhinitis include a change in temperature, bright sunlight, or an underlying health problem.

Oral antihistamines are ineffective for nonallergic rhinitis, but you may find relief with a nasal antihistamine or a saline nasal spray.


A nasal antihistamine or saline nasal spray may relieve symptoms.


This can happen in cold weather or when there’s dry air inside of your home due to heat. To help manage dry air inside the home, use a humidifier to add moisture back into the air. You should also wear a scarf to cover your mouth and nose when going outdoors in the winter.

这se benign growths on the lining inside the nose are due to an inflamed mucous membrane. When the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, excess mucus production brings on a runny nose and postnasal drip.

Other symptoms of a鼻息include:

  • loss of smell
  • sinus pressure
  • 打s
  • headache

Your doctor can prescribe a nasal corticosteroid spray to shrink a polyp. They may also prescribe an antibiotic to treat an accompanying sinus infection.


Even though nasal sprays can reduce inflammation in the nose, overuse can have a rebound effect and make nasal symptoms worse.

通常,您不应该使用OTC鼻喷雾剂进行more than five daysin a row. Using a nasal spray in the long term can lead to chronic sinus infections, which can trigger a runny nose. Once you stop using a nasal spray, nasal symptoms may improve within a few days or weeks.

This is a virus that causes cold-like symptoms and infections in the lungs and respiratory tract. It can occur in children and adults. An infection in the respiratory tract can lead to inflammation in the nasal passage and a runny nose.


  • 拥塞
  • dry cough
  • 低级发烧
  • 咽喉痛
  • headache

Treatment involves:

  • plenty of fluids
  • 降低发烧
  • 盐水鼻滴
  • an antibiotic, if there’s a bacterial infection

Severe infections may require hospitalization.





In most cases, removing yourself from a smoky area will reverse this reaction.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also lead to excess mucus and trigger a runny nose. It’s estimated that nonallergic rhinitis affects about 20 percent of pregnant women. In fact, it’s a常见的issue among women during pregnancy.

A runny nose can develop at any point during pregnancy, but symptoms usually disappear after delivery. Raising the head of your bed about 30 degrees and doing light to moderate exercise may help improve nasal symptoms.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about antihistamines that are safe for use during pregnancy.



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