
跑步者的膝盖is the common term used to describe any one of several conditions that cause pain around the kneecap, also known as the patella. These conditions include anterior knee pain syndrome, patellofemoral malalignment,chondromalacia patella, 和伊利诺蒂伯综合症.


根据Harvard Medical School, runner’s knee is more common in women than in men, particularly in women of middle age. People who are overweight are especially prone to the disorder.



  • 步行
  • 攀登或下降楼梯
  • squatting
  • 跪着
  • 跑步
  • sitting down or standing up
  • 膝盖弯曲很长一段时间

Other symptoms include swelling and popping or grinding in the knee.



  • overuse
  • trauma to the kneecap
  • 膝盖不对
  • 膝盖的完全或部分脱位
  • flat feet
  • weak or tight thigh muscles
  • inadequate stretching before exercise
  • 关节炎
  • a fractured kneecap
  • plica syndrome or synovial plica syndrome, in which the lining of the joint becomes thickened and inflamed

In some cases, pain begins in the back or hip and is transmitted to the knee. This is known as “referred pain.”

To confirm a diagnosis of runner’s knee, your doctor will obtain a complete history and conduct a thorough physical examination that may include a blood test, X-rays, an MRI scan, or aCT扫描.

Your doctor will tailor your treatment to the underlying cause, but in most cases, runner’s knee can be successfully treated without surgery. Most often, the first step in treatment is to practice白饭:

  • Rest:Avoid repetitive stress on the knee.
  • Ice:To reduce pain and swelling, apply an ice pack or a package of frozen peas to the knee for up to 30 minutes at a time and avoid any heat to the knee.
  • Compression:Wrap your knee with an elastic bandage or sleeve to restrict swelling but not too tightly as to cause swelling below the knee.
  • 海拔:坐着或躺下时,将枕头放在膝盖下方,以防止进一步肿胀。当大量肿胀时,将脚抬高到膝盖上方,膝盖高于心脏水平。

如果您需要额外的缓解疼痛,可以进行某些非处方nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Acetaminophen, the active ingredient found in Tylenol, can also help. You may want to talk to your doctor before taking these medicines, especially if you have other health conditions or take other prescription medications.

Once the pain and swelling has subsided, your doctor may recommend specific exercises or physical therapy to restore your knee’s full strength and range of motion. They may tape your knee or give you a brace to provide extra support and pain relief. You may also need to wear shoe inserts known as orthotics.

手术可能会推荐if your cartilage is damaged or if your kneecap needs to be realigned.


  • Stay in shape.Make sure your overall health and conditioning are good. If you’re overweight, speak with your doctor about creating a weight loss plan.
  • 拉紧。进行五分钟的热身,然后在跑步之前进行伸展运动或进行任何压力膝盖的活动。您的医生可以表明您的运动以增加膝盖的灵活性并防止刺激。
  • 逐渐增加培训。切勿突然增加锻炼的强度。而是逐步进行更改。
  • 使用合适的跑步鞋。Buy quality shoes with good shock absorption, and make sure they fit properly and comfortably. Don’t run in shoes that are too worn. Wear orthotics if you have flat feet.
  • 使用正确的运行表格。保持紧密的核心,以防止自己向前或向后倾斜太远,并保持膝盖弯曲。尝试在柔软,光滑的表面上运行。避免在混凝土上运行。沿着陡峭的倾斜倾斜时,以锯齿形图案行走或跑步。