What is a rotator cuff injury?

As sports fans and athletes alike know, shoulder injuries are serious business. They can be extremely痛苦, limiting, and slow to heal.

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that stabilize the shoulder and allow it to move. Physical therapist and founder of WebPT Heidi Jannenga says you should visualize the head of the arm bone as a golf ball, and the area of the shoulder blade as a golf tee. She says, “The rotator cuff serves as a sleeve that enables the ball to spin and roll while remaining on the tee.”


  • 冲击:当转子袖带肌肉膨胀并痉挛臂和肩部之间的空间时,发生冲击,导致夹紧。肌肉拉伤, other overuse injuries, and bone spurs are common causes of swelling.
  • Tear: A less common injury, a转子袖口撕裂occurs when a rotator cuff tendon or muscle is torn. Most tears will not require surgery.

Repetitive, overhead motions can wear down the rotator cuff muscles and are thus a common cause of injury. This is why athletes such as baseball pitchers frequently have shoulder issues. A traumatic injury, such as falling onto your arm, can also cause injury. Regardless of how it happens, the risk of a rotator cuff tear increases as we age and the wear on our bodies accumulates.

Try using the “白饭” method immediately following an injury:Rest, ice, compression,海拔work together to reduce pain and swelling. Once swelling has gone down and your arm is no longer painful to move, certain exercises can help you heal and prevent issues such as “frozen shoulder” or loss ofrange of motion. These exercises include:

  • doorway stretch
  • 侧面侧旋转
  • 高到低行
  • reverse fly
  • 割草机拉动

If you are comfortable adding weight to these exercises, try using a light dumbbell or resistance band for repetitions. If you do not have a light dumbbell, try using a can of soup.

  1. Warm up your muscles by standing in an open doorway and spreading your arms out to the side.
  2. 用每只手或低于肩部高度或低于肩部的侧面握住门口的侧面,并通过门口向前倾斜,直到您感觉轻轻伸展。
  3. Keep a straight back as you lean and shift your weight onto your toes. You should feel a stretch in the front of your shoulder. Do not overstretch.

  1. Lie down on the side opposite your injured arm.
  2. Bend the elbow of your injured arm to 90 degrees and rest the elbow on your side. Your forearm should rest across your abdomen.
  3. 在受伤的侧面的手中握住一个轻哑铃,让你的肘部靠在一边,慢慢向天花板抬起哑铃。如果感到压力,请停止旋转手臂。
  4. 在用手臂向下返回起始位置之前将哑铃握住几秒钟。
  5. Repeat 3 sets of 10 up to 3 times per day. Increase reps to 20 when a set of 10 becomes easy.

  1. 将电阻带附接到肩部高于或高于肩部高度的东西。确保它是安全的,所以当你拉到它时它不会丢失。
  2. Get down on one knee so the knee opposite your injured arm is raised. Your body and lowered knee should be aligned. Rest your other hand on your raised knee.
  3. Holding the band securely with your arm outstretched, pull your elbow toward your body. Keep your back straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together and down as you pull. Your body should not move or twist with your arm.
  4. Return to start and repeat 3 sets of 10.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight and bend forward slightly at the waist.
  2. With a light weight in each hand, extend your arms and raise them away from your body. Do not lock your elbow. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you do so. Do not raise your arms above shoulder height.
  3. Return to start and repeat 3 sets of 10.

  1. 站在你的脚肩部宽度分开。将电阻带的一端放在脚下的脚下。用受伤的手臂握住另一端,所以乐队对斜面朝向你的身体。
  2. 将另一只手放在臀部上,没有锁定膝盖,稍微弯曲在腰部,以便握住带的手平行于对侧膝盖。
  3. As if starting a lawn mower in slow motion, straighten upright while pulling your elbow across the body to your outside ribs. Keep your shoulders relaxed and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you stand.
  4. Repeat 3 sets of 10.

While these exercises can help build strength after a minor injury, a major or recurring injury requires more attention. Consult a doctor if you experience:

  • 疼痛或深度疼痛
  • swelling
  • 难以抬起你的手臂
  • difficulty sleeping on your arm more than a few days after your injury
