Rosemary is a popular herb most commonly used in cooking to add flavor to food. While its culinary potential knows no bounds, what’s not so commonly known is that rosemary also has many health benefits.

一束深绿色迷迭香叶子在篮子里 分享pinterest.
Dobránskarenáta/ stocksy团结

迷迭香,或者Rosmarinus officinalis.,生长在阳光和温暖的气候一种sia and the Mediterranean. Its fragrant evergreen needles come in a variety of colors, including purple, blue, pink, or white.



Therapeutic compounds


作为天然食品添加剂,迷迭香用于防止肉类和某些油中的氧化和污染,即牛肉和猪肉。一 2018年研究 suggests that rosemary may be a useful replacement for synthetic food and beverage antioxidants, owing to its ability to delay spoilage.



学习 已经表明,使用迷迭香精油作为芳香疗法的治疗可能有助于提高学生的考试表现和阿尔茨海默病的人们的认知表现。

When used as part of aromatherapy massage treatment, it may also help improve nerve pain and improve quality of life in people with diabetes.

一种lthough these results are encouraging, more research is needed to fully understand how rosemary aromatherapy may benefit health.

May have cognitive benefits

Some studies suggest that ingesting rosemary may benefit cognitive health. For example, a2018年研究found that drinking water containing rosemary extract had beneficial effects on cognitive performance in healthy adults.

一个旧的 2013 study 表明迷迭香叶提取物可能能够治疗和预防痴呆症。另一个年长2012年研究indicated that rosemary might improve cognitive function among older people.

These findings suggest that rosemary may enhance cognitive performance, but more research is needed to investigate this potential link.

May improve mood and sleep in some people


一种small 2017 study表明,每天服用1,000毫克迷迭香1个月有助于减少焦虑和抑郁症的症状,并与安慰剂治疗相比,大学生的睡眠质量提高。


Rosemary supplements have the potential to cause side effects and interact with certain medications. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or chestfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking one or more medications, avoid rosemary supplements unless specifically suggested by a qualified healthcare professional.
