If you’re living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the onset of new symptoms can come as the worst kind of surprise. When faced with new symptoms, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’re out of control of your own health.

更令人困惑的是一个事实 42% of Americans with RA experience remission periods after their initial treatments. This sometimes leads people to falsely believe that their RA can be cured. When inevitable flare-ups occur, a lot of people with RA feel disappointed.

It’s true that RA is very unpredictable, but the good news is there are ways to monitor your RA and keep it in check.

If you think your RA symptoms may be worsening, it’s time to put your detective hat on. Think about your everyday life. What has changed since you’ve started to feel as though your RA is acting up? Sometimes there’s a clue that can help you find out what’s causing a flare-up. Potential factors might include:

  • 压力
  • insomnia
  • 流感
  • 新食物
  • pregnancy or new motherhood
  • 抽烟
  • 新的存在类风湿因子(RF)在你的血液
  • 侵略性RA的家族史



  • You’re having more flare-ups, or the active
    stages of RA are becoming more frequent and are lasting longer.
  • 您正在经历极端的炎症
    tissue around the joints. This may be damaging the cartilage and the bone.
  • 您正在经历明显的减少
    mobility and muscle strength, and in some cases, you have no mobility at all.
  • You’re experiencing increased pain and swelling
    in new joints and muscles that were previously unaffected.
  • 您正在发展rheumatoid
    on your joints.
  • Your blood tests are showing higher levels of RF.



Living with RA is all about managing the symptoms. The following list can help you do just that:

  1. 追踪
    your triggers. Write down in a journal specific details about your habits, so
    your RA symptoms to flare.
  2. 寻找
    find a specialist who you’re comfortable with and trust.
  3. 改变
  4. 总是
    speak up. If you notice something feels off about your treatment or your RA
    symptoms, don’t wait to tell your doctor.
  5. 定制
    speaks to your condition and its needs.
  6. Make
    exercise a priority. This can be challenging when your RA flares up. But it’s
    important to keep your body moving and the blood flowing through your joints
    and muscles.
  7. 尝试
    physiotherapy. If mobility is becoming an issue, it might be time to find a
  8. Give

  9. 均衡饮食。这包括一致的绿叶蔬菜,水果,


RA symptoms can come and go. However, the key to living with RA is to advocate for your health. Be an active participant in your treatment. It’s also important to take time to relax, and do all that you can to enjoy pain-free days. Having a great team beside you that includes your doctor, family, and friends will help you meet these goals.