Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) usually starts with oral medication. But if that doesn’t do enough to slow its progression, your doctor may suggest medications that are administered through an infusion or injection.

RAinfusion treatments may be prescribed as the main treatment or they can be combined with oral treatments. During an infusion, medication from an IV drip goes directly into a vein. The needle is usually placed into an arm or hand.

In this article, we’ll discuss different types of RA medications that can be delivered by infusion, and what to expect from the procedure.

Like other forms of treatment, there are advantages and drawbacks to infusions for RA.


  • You’ll receive生物药物,有效治疗RA。
  • Infusions generally don’t hurt; expect a slight pinch when the needle goes in.
  • 您的药物将由专业人员在医疗环境中提供。
  • You may need infusions less frequently once your treatment is in full swing.
  • 您无需自我注射,也不需要其他人在家中为您做。


  • Biologics can diminish your immune system’s ability to fight infection.
  • Infusion treatments can be expensive.
  • 您的药物可能需要数周或几个月的时间才能开始工作。
  • 输注药物不是止痛药,您可能需要继续服用与RA相关疼痛的药物。
  • Infusions can take several hours to be administered.
  • 在医疗环境中获取注入意味着计划旅行和设置约会。
  • Allergic reactions sometimes occur during infusions.
  • 输注后,您可能会感到疲劳。
  • 注射部位可能感染。

There are different medications used for infusion treatments. Each one targets, or turns off, a different part of the immune system. You and your doctor can decide which medication is best for you.

  • Tocilizumab (Actemra).该药物通过阻断白介素6(IL-6)来起作用。IL-6是免疫系统中生产的蛋白质。它用于减轻关节疼痛和肿胀。
  • 肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)抑制剂。Golimumab(Simponi Aria)和英夫利昔单抗(Remicade)是两种生物制剂,它们通过抑制肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)而起作用。TNF是免疫系统中发现的蛋白质。这些药物用于防止关节损伤。可以将它们与甲氨蝶呤(一种口服药物)结合使用。
  • Rituximab (Rituxan).这种药物也可能以mab thera的名字销售。它通过靶向B细胞来起作用。利妥昔单抗用于减慢关节和骨损伤的进展。它通常是与甲氨蝶呤结合使用的。
  • Abatacept(Orencia)。该治疗方法通过靶向T细胞来起作用。它可能有助于防止进一步的关节和骨损伤。

Infusion medications are expensive, and can cost每年超过45,000美元

Many health insurance plans only cover one or two of the medications used for these treatments. You may have to take what your insurer is willing to pay for into account when you are deciding which type to get.

您也可能会产生共付额或自付额。最多Medicare Part D计划至少涵盖了输注疗法中使用的一种药物。如果你有医疗保险优势部分C计划,检查哪种药物(如果有)涵盖。

First things first: You need to make an appointment at a clinic or infusion center in order to start treatment.


从静脉注射到系统的药物通常放在手臂或手中。该过程可能需要20分钟或4个小时或更长时间。但请放心 - 您可以休息一下。


Infusion sessions can take time, so be prepared to stick around for a bit.



  • comfy clothes (like pajamas)
  • snacks
  • water to stay hydrated
  • 书籍或杂志
  • 笔记本电脑/平板电脑流式传输电影,玩游戏等。
  • 您需要手机或其他设备所需的任何充电器



  • headaches caused by fluid imbalance
  • redn等过敏反应ess and hives
  • pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site
  • 疲劳


  • shortness of breath
  • abdominal pain
  • chest pain
  • nausea
  • 发烧
  • 发冷


Infusion treatments are done with medications known as biologics. They may be used alone, or alongside oral drugs. There are several types of biologics used to treat RA. Infusion treatments are done in an infusion center or clinic.

These medications can be expensive, but many insurance plans provide coverage for at least one of the drugs used for RA infusions.