类风湿性关节炎(RA)是一种慢性条件,导致关节肿胀,僵硬和疼痛。RA没有已知的治疗方法 - 但有治疗方法可以帮助缓解症状,限制关节损害,促进良好的整体健康。

As scientists continue to develop and improve treatments for RA, your doctor might recommend changes to your treatment plan.


Many people with RA use a type of disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) known as methotrexate. But in some cases, treatment with methotrexate alone is not enough to control symptoms.


To date, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three types of JAK inhibitors to treat RA:

  • tofacitinib (Xeljanz), approved in 2012
  • baricitinib (Olumiant), approved in 2018
  • upadacitinib (Rinvoq), approved in 2019

Researchers are continuing to study these medications to learn how they compare to each other, and to other treatment options. For example,科学家们最近发现,甲氨蝶呤的组合and upadacitinib was more effective than methotrexate and adalimumab for reducing pain and improving function in people with RA. More than 1,600 people with RA took part in this study.




Early studies suggest that fenebrutinib may provide another treatment option for RA. An international group of researchers recently completed aphase II clinical trial研究Feneburinib治疗这种情况的安全性和功效。他们发现Feneburinib可接受和适度有效。


More research is needed to study the safety and efficacy of fenebrutinib.

Some people try multiple medications to treat RA, without success.

As an alternative to medications, researchers are studying the potential benefits and risks of vagus nerve stimulation for treating RA. In this treatment approach, electrical impulses are used to stimulate the vagus nerve. This nerve helps regulate inflammation in your body.

Scientists recently conducted the firstin-human pilot study迷走神经刺激治疗RA。他们用RA植入了14人中的小型神经刺激器或假装置。这些人中有六个人每天用迷走神经刺激治疗12周。



Omega-3 fatty acid consumption has been linked to reduced inflammation in the body. When investigators from the University of Houstonreviewed the researchon omega-3 supplementation, they found 20 clinical trials that focused on RA in particular. In 16 out of 20 trials, omega-3 supplementation was linked to significant improvements in RA symptoms.

Recent observational research has also found a link between omega-3 supplementation and reduced disease activity in people with RA. At the 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting, researchersreportedthe results of a longitudinal registry study of 1,557 people with RA. Participants who reported taking omega-3 supplements had lower disease activity scores, less swollen joints, and less painful joints on average than those who didn’t take omega-3 supplements.

Certain RA medications may have benefits for your heart, as well as your joints. According to two new studies presented at the 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting, those medications include methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine.


In另一项研究, Canadian researchers analyzed registry data collected from three groups: people with RA, people with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and healthy controls with neither condition. People with RA or SLE who were treated with hydroxychloroquine had a reduced risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack or stroke.

Breakthroughs in medical science can also help researchers optimize existing treatments and develop new treatment approaches for managing RA.

To learn more about the latest treatment options for RA, talk to your doctor. They can help you understand the potential benefits and risks of adjusting your treatment plan. They may also recommend lifestyle changes, such as not smoking or vaping, to help you enjoy the best possible health and quality of life with this condition.