If you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you might find your work life is difficult because of pain, weak joints and muscles, or lack of energy. You can also find that work and RA present divergent scheduling demands: You can’t miss a doctor’s appointment, but you also can’t miss going to work.


First, consider whom to inform. Not everyone at work needs to know about your RA. But you might want to consider telling your supervisor and the people you work with most closely.


让您说话的人们可以了解他们如何受到影响,同时强调工作场所修改如何帮助您实现最佳状态。你可以咨询Job Accommodation Networkwebsite to learn more about your employer’s responsibilities and your rights in the workplace. Some things to consider:


Wrist support

The wrists are one of the most painful parts of the body when you have RA. Your office should be able to supply you with necessary assistive devices, such as wrist cushion supports and an ergonomic computer mouse. If you’re still having pain using a computer, ask your rheumatologist or physical therapist for their recommendations on wrist wraps and other supports.


适当的支持是至关重要的健康和comf回来ort. The back of your office chair should curve to match the shape of your spine. If your employer can’t supply a chair like that, consider arranging a cushion or a rolled-up towel at the small of your back to maintain proper posture.


If you talk on an office phone, you may find you squeeze its receiver between your head and shoulder. This wreaks havoc on your neck and shoulders and is especially bad if you have RA. Ask if your employer can supply you with a device that attaches to the receiver of your phone to hold it onto your shoulder. Alternately, ask for a headset or find out if you can use your phone’s speaker.



If you stand at work, whether at a standing desk or service counter, for example, take extra pressure off your spine and neck by allowing a slight curve in your lower back and keeping your knees straight but not locked. Elevate your chest slightly and keep your chin level.


Some people with RA describe foot pain so severe it feels like they’re walking on nails. This can be excruciating to endure anytime, but especially so if you have to stand for work. You might need custom-molded foot and ankle support or gel insoles for your shoes to properly support your arches and ankle joints.







The truth is, most of us could eat better. Having RA demands you eat optimal nutrition-loaded foods that are easy to digest. Plan nutritious meals and bring them with you to work. You should also pack healthy snacks such as vegetable sticks and fresh fruit.
