If you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you aren’t always feeling 100 percent. Your joints can swell and hurt, and you can feel fatigued. Your sleep patterns are frequently disrupted by pain and sometimes by treatment side effects. Eating habits can change, leading to fluctuations in weight. You also might miss work and social opportunities, and not be able to do other things you like.




Janine Monty博客关于她与RA的经历关节炎的小鸡。通过用慢性病的直接涂料写出直接涂料,发现了解放。“我不是超级人,我不必是,”她说。除了编写她的博客外,她还与心理学家满足每月,并拥有一位亲密的朋友,她特别妄想。这些是她的安全阀门。“当我把它保持一体时,我有一个完全的情感崩溃,”蒙蒂说。

Most of us know we should exercise more. If you’re fighting RA and depression, moving around is more important than ever. According to the梅奥诊所, exercise launches your brain’s positive mood chemicals, immediately making you feel better and providing positive reinforcement for getting off your butt.

Try not to set lofty exercise goals.Rachel DeBusk, a holistic wellness coach who runs Unstill Life Fitness Coaching in Seattle, values consistency as much as towering achievement. “Instead of a ‘workout,’ think of having a physical ritual. A walk around the block and 10 minutes of dancing in your living room are everyday victories.”

尽管如此,仍然可以帮助你,如果这意味着冥想。不,你不必坐在你的腿上坐着,这可能难以与ra - 任何稳定的位置都会。审查 学习 发表于2013年得出结论认为,正明冥想确实有抑郁,焦虑和疼痛缓解的益处。



Conversely, a diet high in simple sugars, like those found in soda, and refined foods like white bread has been 链接ed to depression 。A lack of certainvitaminscould also be affecting your morale. Talk to your rheumatologist about whether your dietary needs are being met and how you might improve or supplement them.

With RA, you definitely need to be getting plenty of sleep and rest. You might find that keeping up with a social life is difficult in these circumstances, but you should still stay socially connected. There appears to be a strong relationship between spending time with others and being less depressed, according to at least one study

Consider joining a book club or gathering friends for a monthly potluck dinner. If you’d like to spend time with people who understand firsthand what you’re going through, look for an RA or chronic painsupport groupin your area.


You don’t have to take on everything suggested previously, nor expend intensive efforts for any to make a difference. Consider trying out some low-key socializing, and letting yourself vent some bad feelings. Eat those foods that improve your mood, move your body just a little, and settle down intentionally to relax. Any of these can put you on the path to pain reduction and more pleasure in your daily life.