类风湿性关节炎(RA)is more than just joint pain. This chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease causes your body to mistakenly attack healthy joints and leads to widespread inflammation.


ra是一个进步autoimmune diseasethat mainly affects your joints. According toArthritis Foundation, about150万人的人与ra一起生活。


The exact cause of RA is unknown, but genetics, infections, or hormonal changes may play a role. Disease-modifying medications can help slow theprogression of RA。其他药物,结合生活方式的变化,可以帮助管理效果,并反过来改善你的整体生活质量。

One of thera的第一个迹象手中较小的关节炎症是较小的关节。大多数时候,症状一次会影响身体的两侧。

Common symptoms include pain, swelling, tenderness, and stiffness, which is more pronounced in the morning.Morning RA pain可以持续30分钟或更长时间。

RA也可以在关节中引起刺痛或燃烧的感觉。症状可以进入“耀斑”,然后进入一段时间的缓解,但初始阶段can last at least six weeks

RA can also result in:

As the disease progresses, cartilage and bone are damaged and destroyed. Eventually, supporting tendons, ligaments, and muscles weaken. This can lead to a limited range of motion or difficulty moving the joints properly. In the long term, joints can become deformed.

Having RA also puts you at greater risk of developing骨质疏松症,骨骼削弱。这反过来可以增加骨折和破裂的风险。

手腕的慢性炎症会导致carpal tunnel syndrome, making it difficult to use your wrists and hands. Weakened or damaged bones in the neck or cervical spine can cause chronic pain.

Your doctor may order X-rays to investigate the extent of joint and bone damage from RA.


A simple blood test can reveal the presence of an antibody called the类风湿因素。并非所有抗体都会发育RA的人,但它是众多线索医生用来诊断这种情况的人之一。


在极少数情况下,RA可以导致心脏(心包炎)周围的囊炎,心肌(心肌炎), 甚至充血性心力衰竭

罕见但严重的Ra并发症是血管的炎症(rheumatoid vasculitis,或ra rash)。发炎的血管削弱并扩大或狭窄,干扰血液流动。这可能导致神经,皮肤,心脏和大脑的问题。


和......一样多400万美国人have an inflammatory disease calledsjogren的综合症,根据theSjogren’s Syndrome Foundation。关于half of these individuals also have RA or a similar autoimmune disease. When the two diseases are present, it’s calledsecondary Sjogren’s syndrome

Sjogren导致严重的干燥 - 特别是眼睛。你可能会注意到一种燃烧或坚韧的感觉。长眼睛延长了眼睛感染或角膜损伤的风险。虽然它很少见,但也可以引起眼睛炎症




Although RA can damage the respiratory system, not everyone has symptoms. Those who do may experience shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pains.


Occasionally, the immune system mistakenly identifies a healthy part of the body as a foreign invader. When that happens, antibodies attack healthy tissues.

In RA, your immune system attacks your joints. The result is intermittent or chronic inflammation throughout the body.

Autoimmune diseases are chronic, and treatment focuses on slowing progression and easing symptoms. It’s also possible to have more than one autoimmune disorder.

The pain and discomfort of RA can make it difficult to sleep. RA may lead to extreme fatigue and a lack of energy. In some cases,ra flare-upscan cause flu-like symptoms such as:

  • 短期
  • 出汗
  • 缺乏

Early diagnosis and treatment may help slow the progression of RA. Disease-modifying medications, symptom relievers, and lifestyle changes can also greatly improve your quality of life.

It’s important to keep your doctor informed of any changes in symptoms you experience with your RA, so you can adjust your treatment plan as necessary.