类风湿性关节炎(RA)is a systemic autoimmune disease that affects the joints and other body organs.



What is anemia?


Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. With fewer of these cells circulating, the body becomes starved for oxygen.


RA可以与不同类型的贫血相关联,包括anemia of chronic inflammationiron deficiency anemia.

当你有一个RA flare-up,免疫反应导致关节和其他组织中的炎症。慢性炎症可以降低骨髓中红细胞的生产。这可能导致某些蛋白质的释放,这些蛋白质会影响身体如何使用铁。


Can RA drugs cause anemia?

简而言之,是的。在胃和消化道中出血溃疡和胃炎可能是由nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)喜欢:


NSAIDs can also damage the liver, where iron from the food you eat is stored and released for later use.疾病修饰的抗胃酸药物(DMARDS), including biologics, may also cause liver damage and anemia.

Another popular drug used to treat RA is甲氨蝶呤, a疾病修饰的抗耳光药物(DMARD). Methotrexate can causefolate deficiency, which can lead to anemia.

如果你服药治疗风湿性关节炎,医生tor will require you to take blood tests at regular intervals.

Your doctor will ask if you’ve experienced any common anemia symptoms. These include:

  • 弱点
  • 气促
  • fatigue
  • head
  • pale skin
  • 冷手或脚
  • chest pain that can be caused if severe anemia results in your heart receiving less oxygenated blood





Once your doctor knows the cause of your anemia, they can start treating it. One way to treat RA-related anemia is to directly treat the RA by decreasing inflammation in your body.

People with low iron levels can benefit from iron supplements, buttoo much iron可以创造其他严重的医疗问题。

Though it’s rarely used, a drug called erythropoietin can be used to stimulate bone marrow to produce more red blood cells.

It’s important to treat anemia as soon as it develops. The lack of oxygen in your blood makes your heart work harder to pump more blood through your body. Anemia that isn’t treated can lead toirregular heartbeat(arrhythmia)或者,如果严重,一个心脏病发作.

Preventing RA flare-ups can make it less likely you’ll develop anemia. Seeing your doctor for regular check-ups is recommended when you have a chronic disease like RA. Your doctor can order blood tests to check for anemia.
