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What is the radial nerve?

Theradial nerve沿着手臂的底部跑下来,控制运动triceps肌肉,这是位于上层的后面arm. The radial nerve is responsible for extending the wrist and fingers. It also controls sensation in part of the hand.



Injury to the radial nerve has a variety of possible causes. These include:

  • 压裂你的humerus, a bone in the upper arm
  • sleeping with your upper arm in an awkward position
  • pressure from leaning your arm over the back of a chair
  • using crutches improperly
  • falling on or receiving a blow to your arm
  • 手腕的长期收缩

桡神经损伤的最常见原因是打破你的手臂, overusing your arm, and运动的和工作事故。根据伤害水平,您可能会遇到径向神经的完整撕裂。当神经被切断时发生这种情况。它会导致症状类似于更轻微的伤害。神经撕裂通常需要手术修复。

某些行动,当经常重复时,可以导致径向神经损伤。涉及抓握和摆动运动的运动,例如摆动锤子,可以随着时间的推移导致神经损伤。由于径向神经在手腕和前臂的骨骼上来回移动,因此神经可能被困,, or strained from these activities.


某些影响整个身体的健康状况可能会损害一个神经。Kidney disease糖尿病可能会导致,fluid retention, and other symptoms that can, in turn, lead to nerve compression. This could affect the radial nerve or other nerves in your body.

A radial nerve injury usually causes symptoms in the back of your hand, near your thumb, and in your index and middle fingers.

Symptoms may include a sharp or burning pain, as well as unusual sensations in your thumb and fingers. It’s common to experience numbness, tingling, and trouble straightening your arm. You may also find that你不能伸展或拉直你的手腕和手指。This is called “wrist drop” or “finger drop,” and it doesn’t occur in all cases.

If you think you’ve injured your radial nerve, your doctor will start by asking you about your symptoms and when they began. This may help pinpoint what caused the injury.

Your doctor will also do a physical exam. They will look at your affected arm, hand, and wrist, and compare it to your healthy arm, hand, and wrist. They may ask you to extend and rotate your arm to see if the injury affects your range of motion. Your doctor will also ask you to extend your wrist and fingers, checking for any weakness or loss of muscle tone.

Your doctor may order tests to rule out other causes of your symptoms. For example, you may have血液测试to check yourblood sugar和维生素水平,以及你的thyroid function。These tests check for signs of other conditions associated with nerve damage, such as diabetes,维生素缺陷, or diseases of the kidney and liver. ACT扫描要么MRI.也可以寻找可能导致径向神经压力的头部,颈部或肩部内的疾病。


In very rare cases, your doctor may request anerve biopsy。这涉及占据神经的一个小样本并检查它以确定导致损坏的原因。






镇痛药或抗炎药物可以有助于缓解桡神经损伤的疼痛。它也可能有助于伤害愈合更快。受影响区域的单一的可皮质射击可以缓解疼痛。Anesthetic creams或贴片也可用于缓解疼痛,同时仍然允许运动。

It’s also common to use a brace or splint to immobilize the nerve. This might not sound like the most convenient option, but it may prevent you from reinjuring the nerve while it’s healing.


Less traditional treatment methods, such as acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments, are also an option. Keep in mind that evidence about whether some of these treatments work is mixed.


如果神经未被撕裂或撕裂,大多数患有桡神经损伤的人将在开始治疗的三个月内恢复。但有些情况最终需要手术。如果您的径向神经被捕获,手术可以缓解神经压力。如果有质量,如abenign tumor, on your radial nerve, you may need surgery to remove it.

The goal of surgery is to repair any damage to the nerve. Occasionally, when it is thought that the nerve will not heal, tendon transfers can be performed to restore function to the extremity. After surgery, you will need to wear a brace or splint to allow the injury or tendon transfer to heal. Your doctor will refer you to a physical therapist for rehabilitation to restore range of motion and strength.




当受伤发生时更年轻的人​​和有额外的神经损伤的人 倾向于恢复 最快。如果需要手术,完全恢复可能需要六到八个月。