More than lung cancer

You know cigarette smoking causes lung cancer and heart disease. You know it yellows your teeth. You know it wrinkles your skin, stains your fingers, and reduces your sense of smell and taste.

However, you still haven’t managed to quit. Well, just in case you can still be persuaded, here are seven more not-so-fun things you could get from smoking that you might not have known about.

Smoking doesn’t directly cause this itchy, plaque-skinautoimmune disorder。However, there are two things that researchers know for certain about psoriasis: First, it has agenetic link。第二,吸烟铁道部e than doubles the likelihood of developing psoriasis among those who carry the gene, according to the国家银屑病基金会

You might have heard ofgangrene。It occurs when tissue in your body decomposes, and it results in unpleasant smells. When an extremity gets critically insufficient blood supply, it leads to gangrene. Long-term smoking does that by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow.

In the same way that regular, long-term smoking constricts blood vessels to cause gangrene, it can cut off blood supply to male genitalia. ThinkViagraor Cialis will work? Not so. The chemical reactions in the body that occur as a response to smoking render mosterectile dysfunction (ED)medication useless.

While your blood vessels are responding to carcinogens, they could also shoot a dangerousblood clotup to your brain. If the blood clot isn’t fatal, it might still leave you with serious brain damage.

Keep smoking cigarettes andmacular degenerationmight kick in, leaving you unable to see because smoking choked the blood flow to yourretina。It could also leave you permanentlyblind

Ourspinesweren’t meant to last forever, and smoking speeds up the degeneration process. The discs between your vertebrae lose fluid and become unable to properly protect and support the vertebrae, leaving you with chronicback pain,herniated disks, and possiblyosteoarthritis (OA)

You’ve heard aboutlung cancer— it’s usually the first thing people mention when giving you reasons to quit smoking. But don’t forget these cancers:

Leukemiais possible, too. Your risk for all of these cancers increases the more you smoke.

If you’re ready to quit, there are lots of ways to start onthe path to becoming smoke free。It’s not an easy road, but withthe right tipsandsupport, it’s one that gets easier to travel every day.

It’s your life. It’s your health. Choose wisely.