
银屑病关节炎(PSA)是一种关节炎,会导致关节内外肿胀,僵硬和疼痛。它通常会影响30 percent在已经患有牛皮癣的人中,这种皮肤状况会导致红色,片状皮疹,可能会发痒或酸痛。






  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).These medications relieve pain and reduce swelling. Some are available over-the-counter, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, while stronger drugs are available by prescription.
  • 皮质类固醇。这些可以用作平板电脑或注射到关节中,以减轻疼痛和肿胀。
  • 疾病改良的抗风湿药(DMARDS)。这些可以缓解症状并减慢关节损伤的进展。
  • Biologic drug therapies.Biologics target specific areas of the immune system affected by PsA.


Biologics are protein-based drugs given by injection or intravenous infusion. Biologics work by blocking particular cells and proteins from triggering your immune system to attack your joints.

These treatments are generally considered safe, but some people may experience side effects such as liver damage and severe infections. See your doctor for regular blood tests and alert them if you develop symptoms of an infection, such as a fever or sore throat.


If you have mild PsA, your rheumatologist will likely prescribe NSAIDs to see if they help ease your pain and reduce inflammation.

如果这还不够s own, your doctor can recommend other drugs such as corticosteroids and DMARDs. Biologics may be prescribed if your PsA hasn’t responded to at least two different types of DMARDs.


If the medication stops working, your rheumatologist may suggest taking you off that drug, swapping to alternative treatments, or trying a different combination of medications.

即使您的症状消失了,您的医生通常会建议您继续服药。在一项研究中,研究人员发现more than two-thirdsof participants experienced a recurrence of PsA within six months after stopping their medication.

Since treatment plans are individualized, if remission occurs, your doctor may recommend you step down your medication to the lowest dose needed.

While the medications may relieve your symptoms, they won’t cure the condition. It’s also possible that damage in your joints that may not have been diagnosed earlier will continue to worsen if you stop taking your medication. The goal of treatment with medication is to block ongoing inflammation and minimize the progression of joint damage.

Surgery may be an option if your joints have been badly damaged. Aside from reducing pain, surgery could improve mobility and the appearance of deformed joints.



  • 饮食。An anti-inflammatory diet and trials off dairy or gluten may be potentially helpful.
  • Exercise.定期运动可以帮助防止僵硬并增强肌肉。您的医生可以帮助您根据症状的严重程度来找出练习类型。由于PSA会使您感到异常疲倦,因此请在需要时休息一下。
  • 减肥。If you’re overweight, excess weight can put added stress on your joints. This can lead to pain and reduce mobility.
  • 限制酒精。酒精可以与某些药物反应或增加某些药物的副作用。与您的医生联系是否可以安全喝酒。
  • Reduce stress.接受减轻压力的活动,例如冥想,瑜伽或太极拳。过度的压力会导致爆发并加重您的症状。
  • 戒烟。吸烟会引发炎症并恶化PSA。如果您需要帮助戒烟,请与您的医生交谈。

With a regularly monitored treatment plan and self-care approaches, you can manage your PsA symptoms and boost your quality of life. Bring these questions up to your doctor if you have questions about your treatment options or don’t think your treatment is working. They can recommend switching medications or incorporating exercise and other activities for stress relief into your daily routine.