
生物制剂是不同的。他们是一个截然不同的阶级of drugs made from biological sources. More specifically, they’re extracted or synthesized from biologic systems, but they often mimic cell products that occur naturally in the body. These treatments hold promise of relief for people living with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Many生物学are only now becoming widely prescribed, but the class of treatment has existed for many decades.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 将生物制剂定义为由天然来源制成的产品。这意味着它们可以包括从微生物到动物和人类的一切中的物质。生物制剂使用蛋白质,糖,细胞,组织和其他天然材料来创造医疗产品。

Synthetic drugs have a specific makeup. Aspirin, for example, is made up of 21 atoms formed in a specific shape. By contrast, the full composition of biologics is often unknown. That’s because the material is complicated and larger than chemicals made in a laboratory. These drugs are fragile and kept in liquid form, and they’re injected or administered intravenously.



Scientists have made some major advances in treatments, thanks to biologics. T-VEC, a drug that targets melanoma cells, is classified as a biologic. The drug is made from a genetically modified herpes virus. It kills the cancer cells while leaving the healthy cells intact.



Drugs, both synthetic and biologic, typically work by entering cells within the body. Once inside, the drugs change how the cells operate, work, or interact with immune cells. Synthetic drugs are smaller than biologics, so they don’t always hit their target. Biologics are larger, which gives the drugs more ways to attach in the right spot.



Biologics are not a first-line treatment for most conditions. Depending on your medical history, your doctor may want to start with conventional drugs before biologics. For example, if you’re diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, most doctors may first prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). If those drugs don’t work, your doctor may decide that a biologic is a better treatment option.

Recent scientific advancements have removed some of the mystery surrounding biologics. As new drug approvals demonstrate, there is a growing focus among researchers on biologics. These drugs have the potential to treat a wide range of conditions. They represent a new generation of medications that offer the chance for improved well-being in many people.