

Joni Kazantzis在15岁时被诊断出患有牛皮癣。疾病使她作为一个年轻人的自我意识,但随着时间的推移,它也加强了她,让她更有信心。她使用她的博客来赋予并帮助他人应对皮肤病。她为她的个人经历提供故事,以及如何的信息manage flare-upsconnect with others who are living with psoriasis

Tweet her@GirlWithSpots

The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) is a useful resource for learning about psoriasis, the latest research, and getting involved. Their blog offers up daily hacks for dealing with the condition, such asworkout tips to help improve psoriatic arthritis饮食和营养提示to fight inflammation. There is also information on how to improve awareness about psoriasis; as the blog’s tagline attests, “The P is silent, but we are not!”

Tweet them@NPF

Sarah was diagnosed with psoriasis at the age of 5, and she’s spent the majority of her life educating herself and learning how to manage this disease. She uses her blog toshare her experiencewith others living with psoriasis and their families. She hopes to become a source of comfort and support. Her aim is to convey that it’s possible to live a happy life with psoriasis.

Howard Chang is an ordained minister who was diagnosed with psoriasis and eczema over 35 years ago. In his spare time, he blogs about psoriasis and volunteers for the Northern California division of the NPF. On this blog, he serves up motivation and support for people living with the condition. Chang writes about hispersonal psoriasis journey,给读者的技巧taking charge of their treatment

推特他@ Hchang316.

Simon Jury uses his blog to raise awareness, provide explanations about the skin disorder, and encourage others to take charge when it comes to managing the condition. He’s honest about theups and downs of life with psoriasis, but he maintains a positive attitude. Check out his post aboutwhy psoriasis is his mutant superpower


Julie Cerrone was officially diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in 2012. As well as undergoing knee surgery, she has also dealt with digestive issues, anxiety, and depression. Through her health ups and downs, she maintains a positive outlook. Her blog offers practical tips, such asexercises for autoimmune arthritisways to fight inflammation with food。她鼓励其他人看着光明的一面,并保持头脑。

Tweet her@justagoodlife

Todd Bello于28岁时被诊断出患有牛皮癣。他开始博客作为一种帮助别人学习这种皮肤病的一种方式。为提高认识和提供支持,他还开始了一个叫做牛皮癣的支持小组,以帮助牛皮癣及其家属收到他们需要管理条件所需的准确信息。这对他来说是一个艰难的战斗,但他已经学会了如何smile through adversity


您是在寻找关于新生物治疗或即将到来的牛皮癣事件的信息,或者你只是想share what it’s like to live with psoriasis,牛皮癣协会的博客是扩大您知识的绝佳场所,并更好地了解这种情况。看看他们的videosfrom people sharing how psoriasis affects their lives.

Tweet them@PsoriasisUK

New Life Outlook offers a wide range of information related to psoriasis, such as nutrition, exercise, and coping tips. Are you looking for alternative therapies for psoriasis? If so, check out the blog post on the牛皮癣光疗的益处和风险。The blog is also a great resource for ways to make sure your psoriasis doesn’t control your whole life. Watch the video onmanaging psoriasis while traveling并阅读其他应对策略。

Tweet them@NLOPsoriasis


Tweet them@psoriasisinfo.

We’ve carefully selected these blogs because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information. If you would like to tell us about a blog, nominate them by emailing us atbestblogs@healthline.com!