Living with psoriasis can be a roller coaster ride: Sometimes you may be fighting flares while other times the condition may not have any noticeable symptoms. Knowing how to manage this autoimmune condition can make your life much easier and more comfortable.


  • a doctor-supported treatment plan
  • 健康的生活方式习惯
  • 心理健康支持

There are many types of psoriasis. Each type requires different management plans based on the severity of the condition and where it’s located on your body. You must also factor in your other health conditions that may be related to psoriasis. Your doctor can devise a plan that works best for you.

不要忽视牛皮癣的症状。因为那里的s no cure, it needs to be managed by a doctor. What appears as a mild case may worsen with time, and your doctor can decide how to keep the condition from spreading.

Mild psoriasis can generally be treated with topical methods. Psoriasis that is moderate or severe in nature may require stronger interventions. These include:

  • topical prescriptions
  • 生物制剂或口服药物等药物
  • 光疗
  • 替代药物或疗法
  • 生活方式改变


  • cardiovascular disease
  • diabetes
  • 肥胖

Your doctor should check for these other conditions when treating psoriasis.

A recent trend in psoriasis management includes the “treat to target” approach. This concept allows you to evaluate your treatments with a doctor on a periodic basis. Together, you determine if the devised plan is effective in reducing your symptoms. Such a treatment plan should have overall goals for reducing your symptoms and allow for modifications from both you and your doctor every few months.

几项研究确认了管理牛皮癣的评估方法。皮肤病学档案concluded that those who have outcomes measurement for their psoriasis experience:

  • more control of the condition
  • more positive feelings about their treatment
  • 不太严重的症状

Talk to your doctor about coming up with a regular schedule for evaluating your treatment plan. Goals should be individual in nature and may include:

  • 将牛皮癣减少到一定百分比
    of your body
  • giving you a particular quality of life
  • keeping other conditions in check


Consult your doctor if you feel that your treatment plan could be modified based on any reduced symptoms. You’ll want to ensure that modifying treatments will result in fewer symptoms in the long term.

保持健康的体重可以帮助防止牛皮癣传播或燃烧。一些研究将牛皮癣症状恶化与高于平均水平的体重指数联系起来。一个分析Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgeryfound that increased body mass index resulted in the development of more severe psoriasis.

Losing weight may help psoriasis symptoms in those who are obese or overweight. One study in the British Journal of Dermatology 分析了患有牛皮癣的超重和肥胖的参与者。参与者锻炼并节食20周,导致牛皮癣的严重程度降低。

Talk to your doctor about weight loss methods if you are obese or overweight. This may include reducing the calories in your diet and exercising more frequently. Losing weight will help your overall health and may reduce other health conditions you have. Exercising itself is considered to be a great way to manage psoriasis symptoms.


Stress can negatively affect psoriasis by causing your immune system to overreact. Activities like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness may reduce stress. You should also examine what factors in your life cause stress and work to eliminate these triggers.

You may also find yourself struggling with mental health because of psoriasis. Anxiety and depression are commonly tied to psoriasis and should be treated immediately. Mental health conditions can affect the management of psoriasis as well as increase your risk for suicide.

There are many ways you can manage your psoriasis to prevent flares and reduce the condition’s severity. Seeing your doctor should be the first step in getting on top of psoriasis.

It’s important to keep in mind that psoriasis isn’t curable, and at times symptoms can pop up despite your best efforts to control the condition. You should check in with your doctor regularly to evaluate the condition and to prevent it from getting worse.