My psoriasis started off as a small spot on the top of my left arm when I was diagnosed at age 10. At that moment, I had no thoughts about how different my life would become. I was young and optimistic. I’d never heard of psoriasis and the effects it could have on someone’s body before.

But it wasn’t long until all of that changed. That tiny spot grew to cover the majority of my body, and while it took over my skin, it also took over much of my life.


When I was diagnosed with psoriasis, all of that changed. The thing I once loved became an activity riddled with anxiety and discomfort. I went from being carefree in my short sleeves and shorts, to wearing long sleeves and leggings underneath my clothes as I ran around in the hot summer sun, just so people wouldn’t be freaked out by the way I looked. It was brutal and heartbreaking.

After that experience, I spent a lot of time focusing on everything I couldn’t do because I had psoriasis. I felt sorry for myself and was furious with people who seemed to be able to do it all. Instead of finding ways to enjoy life despite my condition, I spent a lot of time isolating myself.

这些是我认为我做不到因为se I had psoriasis.



I also found that true intimacy was challenging for everyone — not just for me. I was afraid that people would reject me because of my psoriasis, when little did I know, the person I was dating was also afraid I’d reject something completely unique to them.



Don’t get me wrong, I was completely terrified, but it ended up being incredibly liberating. I was insanely proud of myself for letting go of perfection and being so vulnerable.

Although it was uncomfortable at first, and I certainly had a ton of resistance to it, I was deeply committed to a happier experience for myself.

Every time I’d have the opportunity to try an activity or go to an event, my first reaction was to say “no” or “I can’t do that because I’m sick.” The first step to changing my negative attitude was to acknowledge when I said those things and explore if it was even true. Surprisingly, itwasn’ta lot of the time. I’d avoided loads of opportunities and adventures because I’d always assumed I couldn’t do most things.

I began to discover just how incredible life could be if I started to say “yes” more and if I started to trust that my body was stronger than I was giving it credit for.

Can you relate to this? Do you find yourself saying that you can’t do things because of your condition? If you take a moment to think about it, you might realize that you’re more capable than you thought. Give it a try. The next time you want to automatically say “no,” let yourself choose “yes” and see what happens.

Nitika Chopra是一位美丽和生活方式专家,致力于传播自我保健的力量和自我爱的信息。她也是牛皮癣,也是“自然美丽”脱口秀节目的主持人。与她联系网站,Twitter, orInstagram.