




In the past, when it came to dating and relationships, I heard these comments often. But I didn’t necessarily hear them from those around me. They were mostly the thoughts that circulated in my head any time a guy approached me or asked me out on a date, or I started crushing on someone.

Don’t get me wrong — I’ve encountered some cruel people. But the thoughts in my own mind have been the most hurtful and vicious, had the most long-lasting effects, and, sadly, are something I could never escape. When someone is mean to you, picks on you, or bullies you, you’ll often hear advice to avoid them at all costs. But what do you do when the person who is bullying you and being negative is yourself?

我经常约会,老实说,我老实说没有许多负面遭遇。仍然,具有可见的疾病使您的潜在关系更加艰苦的信息。虽然大约20个 - 某些事情只是寻找一个连接,但我的病情强迫我在不同的水平上了解某人。我不得不确保另一端的人是善良,温柔,理解和非阶段。这种疾病的所有因素 - 就像出血,划伤,剥落和抑郁症 - 可能非常努力,令人尴尬地揭示给另一个人。









然后我遇到了我以为我会永远的人 - 我现在的前任丈夫。我们在大学的校园里遇到了我们都参加过。从我们首先躺在彼此的那一天开始,我们变得不可分割。我马上告诉他关于我的牛皮癣。他立即告诉我他不在乎。

It took me a while to get comfortable with him, but his constant reassurance that he loved me regardless of my disease helped to ease my insecurities. You can check out our story in more detail这里。


Any time I start to worry about whether someone will accept me and my disease, I think about the two men I mentioned above who never shamed me or made me feel bad for having psoriasis. They never used my disease against me, and when I think of those things, it gives me hope for the future. If I found love twice before, I can find it again.

如果你有问题由于psoria约会sis, please remember, “You will find love. You will be loved. You deserve love.”