What is psoriasis and how do you get it?


According to one study, about740万people in the United States were living with psoriasis in 2013.


这se new cells migrate to the surface and force out existing skin cells. That causes the scales, itching, and inflammation of psoriasis.

Genetics almost certainly plays a role. Read on to learn more about the role of genetics in the development of psoriasis.



  • 如果您的一个父母患有牛皮癣,那么您有大约10%的机会获得它。
  • 如果您的父母都患有牛皮癣,那么您的风险为50%。
  • 关于one third of people diagnosed with psoriasis have a relative with psoriasis.

Scientists working on the genetic causes of psoriasis start by assuming that the condition results from a problem with the immune system. Research on psoriatic skin shows that it contains large numbers of immune cells that produce inflammatory molecules known as cytokines.



Researchers 后来发现这个等位基因的存在,HLA-CW6,不足以使一个人发展这种疾病。更多的 最近的研究 show that more research is still needed to better understand the relationship betweenHLA-CW6和牛皮癣。

使用更先进的技术已导致识别about 25different regions in human genetic material (the genome) that may be associated with psoriasis.


银屑病involves an interaction between your immune system and your skin. That means it’s hard to know what’s the cause and what’s the effect.


Most people with psoriasis have periodic outbreaks or flare-ups followed by periods of remission.关于30 percent牛皮癣患者还经历了类似于关节炎的关节的炎症。这就是所谓的银屑病关节炎

Environmental factors that may trigger a psoriasis onset or flare-up include:

皮肤一部分的损伤或创伤有时可能成为牛皮癣爆发的部位。感染也可能是触发因素。这NPFnotes that infection, especially咽喉炎in young people, is reported as a trigger for psoriasis onset.

牛皮癣患者的一些疾病比普通人群更有可能。在一项针对牛皮癣的女性的研究中,约有10%的参与者还出现了炎症性肠病克罗恩病orulcerative colitis


基因治疗isn’t currently available as a treatment, but there’s an expansion of research into the genetic causes of psoriasis. In one of the many promising discoveries, 研究人员 found a rare gene mutation that’s linked to psoriasis.

基因突变称为CARD14。When exposed to an environmental trigger, such as an infection, this mutation producesplaque psoriasis。斑块牛皮癣是该疾病最常见的形式。这一发现帮助建立了CARD14牛皮癣突变。

这se same researchers also found theCARD14mutation present in 两个大家庭 有许多家庭成员患有斑块牛皮癣和银屑病关节炎。

This is one of a number of recent discoveries that hold promise that some form of gene therapy may one day be able to help people living with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.

For mild to moderate cases, dermatologists usually recommend局部治疗such as creams or ointments. These can include:

  • anthralin
  • 焦油
  • 水杨酸
  • tazarotene
  • corticosteroids
  • vitamin D

如果您的牛皮癣病例更严重,您的医生可能会开具光疗和更先进的全身性或生物药物, taken orally or by injection.

Researchers have established a link between psoriasis and genetics. Having a family history of the condition also increases your risk. More research is needed to fully understand the inheritance of psoriasis.
