One morning in April 1998, I woke up covered in the signs of my first psoriasis flare. I was only 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. Even though my grandma had psoriasis, the spots appeared so suddenly that I thought it was an allergic reaction.

There was no epic trigger, like a stressful situation, illness, or life-changing event. I just woke up covered in red, scaly spots that completely took over my body, causing me intense discomfort, fear, and pain.

对皮肤科医生的访问证实了牛皮癣诊断,并开始了我尝试新药物的旅程,并了解我的疾病。我花了很长时间才真正明白,这是一种疾病,我将永远生活。没有治愈 - 没有魔药或乳液会让斑点消失。


When I told my friends at school, they were very supportive of my diagnosis, and asked a lot of questions to help ensure I felt comfortable. For the most part, my classmates were very kind about it. I think the hardest part about it was the reaction from other parents and adults.






我冻结了,在我可以说什么可以解释之前,她继续向我提供一个令人难以置信的响亮的讲座,了解我是多么不负责任,以及我如何让我周围的每个人都捕捉我的疾病 - 特别是她的幼儿。我被贬低了。抱着眼泪,除了一个微弱的耳语之外,我几乎无法得到任何言语,“我只是有牛皮癣”。

I replay that moment sometimes and think about all the things I should have said to her, but I wasn’t as comfortable with my disease then as I am now. I was still just learning how to live with it.



I’ve been lucky that there have been years where I can live with clear skin and I am currently controlling my symptoms with a biologic. Even with clear skin, psoriasis is still on my mind daily because it can change quickly. I’ve learned to appreciate the good days and started a blog to share my experience with other young women learning to live with their own psoriasis diagnosis.

So many of my major life events and accomplishments have been made with psoriasis along for the journey — graduations, proms, building a career, falling in love, getting married, and having two beautiful daughters. It took time to build my confidence with psoriasis, but I grew up with it and believe having that diagnosis in part has made me who I am today.

Joni Kazantzis是创造者和博主justagirlwithspots.com屡获殊荣的牛皮癣博客,致力于创造意识,教育疾病,并与牛皮癣分享她的19次以上的个人故事。她的使命是创造一个社区感,并分享可以帮助她读者应对与牛皮癣生活日常挑战的信息。她认为,尽可能多的信息,牛皮癣的人可以赋予他们的最佳生活,并为他们的生活做出正确的治疗选择。