
Read on to learn about the benefits of a combination treatment plan and what kinds of treatments are typically used to treat psoriasis.




  • creams
  • 软膏
  • 洗发水
  • other forms of medication that are applied to the skin’s surface



  • moisturizers
  • vitamin D3
  • coal tar and anthralin
  • salicylic acid
  • 类视黄素
  • calcineurin inhibitors

Topical treatments are often used in combination with other, more potent treatments, because they aren’t enough to treat the symptoms of severe psoriasis.

Systemic medications

这se medications affect the entire body as opposed to just the skin. They can be taken orally or by injection. The most commonly used systemic medications include:

  • cyclosporine
  • 甲氨蝶呤
  • Apremilast
  • 口服类维生素类似




Also known as “biological response modifiers,” biologics are protein-based drugs. They’re derived from living cells cultured in a laboratory and are given by injection or IV infusion.



This type of light therapy involves consistent use of ultraviolet light on the skin. It’s performed either under medical supervision or at home using a light unit designed for home use that a certified dermatologist recommends.



Though there’s一些证据那张商业晒黑床可以帮助治疗牛皮癣,这是一种危险和最佳治疗。这 美国卫生与公共服务部 认为使用室内晒黑床是致癌的(引起癌症)。


Combination treatments are given in different stages or steps. The first step aims to clear skin lesions during an outbreak. This is often done using a strong topical steroid or an oral immunosuppressant for cases of severe psoriasis.


If symptoms still occur or get worse, corticosteroid injections and other treatments may be introduced.

Special patient populations, such as children, the elderly, and pregnant people, may need more specialized treatments.

Some psoriasis treatments work well on their own. But using a combination of treatments may have added benefit.

A 2012 research review examined the use of combination therapy for psoriasis. Although it indicated that more research is needed, they suggested that combination treatments are more effective and better tolerated than single-therapy treatment.

This result may be due to several benefits of combination treatment. To start, using a combination of treatments allows for smaller doses of each drug. This can decrease the risk of side effects experienced and may end up being less expensive for you.

Also, combining therapies has been shown to relieve symptoms more quickly and efficiently. Some combination therapies may even lower the risk of skin cancers, which 可以提高 在牛皮癣的人中。


Having a potentially large supply of treatment combinations is valuable because there’s no known cure for psoriasis. People depend on treatment to help them keep their symptoms under control.


If your doctor suggests a combination of treatments, know that it could be the best way for you and your doctor to build the treatment plan that’s right for you.