According to the牛皮癣和银屑病关节炎联盟(Papaa)那it’s possible, but very rare, for someone to get银屑病在他们的鼻子里面。

Keep reading to learn more about this rare occurrence and how it’s treated, as well as other more likely conditions.

Psoriasis lesions that appear inside the nose are usually white or gray.


It’s also unusual, but possible, to have psoriasis lesions appear on:

  • your lips
  • 在你的脸颊里面
  • on your gums
  • on your tongue

According to the国家牛皮癣基金会(NPF)面部牛皮癣更有可能发生在:

  • 眉毛
  • 发际线
  • upper forehead
  • 上唇和鼻子之间的皮肤

在治疗开始之前,您的医生将确认您是否有牛皮癣。要诊断病情,您的医生会询问您的病史并进行检查。你的医生也可能需要一个biopsy(a small sample of skin) to:


Your doctor may recommend:

  • 低效力类固醇,如氢化胞苷1%软膏
  • Tacrolimus(Protopic,Prograf),局部大环内德免疫抑制剂
  • pimecrolimus(elidel),一个免疫抑制剂


  • light therapy,使用天然或人工紫外线
  • 维生素D类似物那such as calcipotriene (Dovonex)
  • 局部视网膜,如塔拉塔罗琳(Tazorac,Viage)

Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions when using any of these treatments.


  • 干燥环境。气候变化,如冬季的到来,可以使空气不太潮湿。这可能会在鼻子里擦掉皮肤,有时会导致小流血结痂。
  • Sinusitis.肿胀和炎症组织衬里鼻窦可以在鼻子里产生痂。
  • 过敏。切割可能是由发炎的鼻腔通道引起的allergies
  • 鼻炎。肿胀和炎症你的鼻子的粘膜由此引起的季节性过敏或者普通感冒can lead to scabbing in your nose.
  • 创伤。鼻腔通道中的细腻皮肤可以通过刮擦,摩擦或捡起鼻子很容易损坏。这可能导致切割。
  • Medication.在长时间使用时,鼻喷雾会导致鼻腔通道的极端干燥。这可能导致皮肤打破然后切割。
  • 用药。Inhaling drugs through your nose can cause irritation and damage to your nasal passages, often resulting in bleeding and scabbing.

Your doctor can help determine what’s causing crusty bumps or scabs and suggest treatments to relieve your symptoms.


  • 艾滋病病毒。This condition can cause鼻病变这一点痛苦,可能会流血和切割。
  • 鼻癌。Persistent crusty bumps in your nasal passages that don’t respond to treatment could be an indication of nasal cancer.
  • Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis).这很珍稀血管疾病是一组称为血管炎的一组血管疾病之一。症状可能包括鼻子的流鼻血和脱疱疹。

If you notice crusty bumps, lesions, or scabs in your nose that get worse over time or don’t respond to treatment, speak with a doctor. They can diagnose your condition and determine an appropriate treatment strategy.


If your doctor confirms psoriasis, they’ll recommend a specific treatment program that may involve:

  • 低效力类固醇,如氢化胞苷1%软膏
  • 局部视黄蛋白
  • 维生素D类似物
  • 免疫抑制剂
  • light therapy