
A free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is used to confirm test results from a PSA test. A PSA test is used to see if you may have prostate cancer. The test measures the level of PSA in your blood. If your levels are high, you may have a condition that’s not serious, such as a prostate that’s enlarged or inflamed prostate, or you might have prostate cancer. A free PSA test may be used instead of a biopsy to rule out prostate cancer, though you may still need a biopsy if your free PSA test results indicate a risk of cancer.

Keep reading to learn more about free PSAs and prostate cancer.



  • 免费PSAt PSA是没有绑定o any proteins.
  • Bound PSA是与蛋白质结合的PSA。

When your PSA is tested, it may be measured two ways:

  • A免费PSA测试仅测量血液中未结合的PSA。
  • APSA测试衡量您的总PSA,这意味着您的界限和自由。



PSA测试ing has a number of limitations.

  • The PSA test is known to have a high rate of false positives.
  • 当一个男人的PSA低于表明可能存在癌症的限制时,患有前列腺癌并不少见。
  • About75 percentPSA升高的男性没有癌症。
  • Normal PSA ranges were established primarily on white males, though PSA levels may vary depending on a man’s ethnicity.
  • 如果PSA级别通过不同的实验室进行测试,或者技术人员使用不同的测试方法,则可能会发生变化。



年龄 Total PSA, normal reference range (ng/mL)
<50 0.0 - 2.5
50 - 59 0.0 - 3.5
60 - 69 0.0 - 4.5
70岁及以上 0.0 – 6.5

资源:British Columbia Medical Journal



  • PSA速度。PSA级别的变化(称为PSA速度)是另一个考虑因素。如果您的PSA水平迅速升高,那么您患前列腺癌的风险就会更大。
  • 加倍。您的PSA越来越多,您患前列腺癌的风险就越大。医生还使用加倍时间来确定已经被诊断出患有这种疾病的男性中的前列腺癌是否扩散。


免费PSAis measured as the proportion of free PSA to total PSA. Below is a table outlining the likelihood of finding prostate cancer based on the percentage of free PSA in men with a total PSA between 4ng/mL and 10 ng/mL, according to the 美国医学协会杂志 .

免费PSA的百分比 前列腺癌的概率
0 –10% 56%
10%–15% 28%
15%–20% 20%
20%–25% 16%
Greater than 25% 8%



平均而言,免费的PSA测试可以减少对20 percent不必要的活检。它还可以帮助确定您患有前列腺癌是否更有可能。如果您的结果表明您可能患有前列腺癌,那么您仍然需要活检来确认前列腺癌的诊断。

When you have a prostate biopsy, a specialist called a urologist will take small samples of tissue from your prostate gland using a special hollow needle. The tissue is examined under a microscope to see if cancer cells are present.


  • 活检部位出血
  • 尿液或精液中的血液
  • trouble urinating



  • A prostate biopsy is an invasive procedure that carries a greater risk of infection and complications.
  • Although biopsies are usually performed using local anesthetic, most men find them uncomfortable. Some men report pain.
  • 活检的成本明显高于免费PSA测试。

The primary advantages of a biopsy are that if you have cancer, tissue samples taken during the biopsy can provide more information about your condition. A biopsy can provide your doctor with information about the size of the tumor and give your doctor an idea of how aggressive the cancer is. Your doctor can use results from a biopsy to assign a stage and grade for your cancer, which will help you and your doctor decide your best treatment options.


Unless you have symptoms of prostate cancer or a family history that puts you at greater risk, a free PSA test can be a logical step if your total PSA levels are high. The test may eliminate the need for a biopsy, which is a far more expensive procedure.

费用for medical services vary from region to region, and even from doctor to doctor. A free PSA test is a simple blood test that usually cost less than 100 dollars. You may have to pay for an office visit, as well. An office visit will almost certainly be more expensive if you see a urologist instead of your primary care doctor.

Even if performed in your urologist’s office rather than an ambulatory care facility, a biopsy will be significantly more expensive. Fees will include:

  • 咨询泌尿科医生
  • ultrasound used to help guide the needle biopsies
  • 审查活检的病理咨询
  • miscellaneous supplies
