
它也被称为heat rash, sweat rash, or miliaria rubra.孩子们倾向于比成年人更好,因为他们的汗腺仍在发展。

Prickly heat is uncomfortable and itchy. In most cases, developing the rash isn’t reason enough to see a doctor. There are treatment options and prevention tips for people who frequently get prickly heat.


The neck, shoulders, and chest are the most common places for prickly heat to appear. Folds of skin and places where your clothing rubs against your skin are also areas where prickly heat might occur.

The area of irritation might display a reaction right away, or it might take a few days to develop on your skin.

Sometimes prickly heat will take the form of a patch of very small blisters. This is your skin reacting to the sweat that’s leaked between its layers. Other times the area of your body where sweat is trapped might appear swollen or itch persistently.

In some cases, a person with prickly heat may also develop脓疱on their skin. This form of the condition is known as miliaria pustulosa. This may indicate a bacterial infection.


When you sweat more than usual, your glands can become overwhelmed. The sweat ducts may become blocked, trapping the sweat deep underneath your skin. The sweat may also leak through你的皮肤层接近于表皮, or top layer, and become trapped there.

It’s possible to get prickly heat at any time of year, but it’s most common in the warmer months. Some people who are used to cooler climates tend to experience heat rash when they travel to tropical places where the temperatures are significantly higher.

孩子们,特别是婴儿, are especially vulnerable to prickly heat. Their sweat glands aren’t yet fully developed, and their skin isn’t used to rapidly changing temperatures.

Infants tend to experience prickly heat在他们的脸上and in the folds of their skin around the neck and groin.

Like most婴儿皮疹,刺的热量通常是无害的,并将自己消失。你的宝宝可能会采取奇怪的行动,在经历热烈皮疹的感觉时难以抚慰。

If you notice a small patch of tiny red blisters beneath your child’s skin, evaluate their surroundings. Are they wearing too many layers? Is their clothing appropriate for the temperature?


如果你的宝宝展示发烧超过100.4°F(38°C)要么other symptoms, call their pediatrician.

Heat rash, including prickly heat, will often go away without treatment.

The first step to舒缓的刺激是远离刺激性(或环境),导致你的皮肤在汗水中爆发。一旦你在凉爽的环境中,皮肤下面的瘙痒的感觉可能需要一段时间才能消退。

Other remedies for prickly heat include:

  • 穿着轻盈,宽松的衣服
  • 避免皮肤products that contain petroleum or mineral oil
  • avoiding perfumed soaps or body care products
  • 应用冷敷,你可以make at homeusing a plastic bag or towel

在某些情况下,医疗保健专业人员将推荐triamcinolone 0.1% cream(Triderm). Thistopical corticosteroid仅通过处方于美国提供。如果您有Miliaria Pustulosa,医疗保健专业人员将规定局部抗生素such as clindamycin.


Calamine lotionis a natural remedy for prickly heat. It can be applied to the affected area to cool the skin.

Other products to try include:

如果多刺的热量有关发热, you may consider fever reducers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). Speak with a healthcare professional before giving one of these medications to a child.


  • 如果您知道您将处于炎热或潮湿的气候,请穿着宽松的棉质衣服。
  • 洗澡或凉爽showers经常,如果您正在访问热门或潮湿的气候。
  • 如果您处于炎热或潮湿的气候,每天花几个小时的时间与风扇或空调。
  • 选择轻质床上用品,如要么linensheets.
  • 当您在外面锻炼时,请选择将湿润水分远离皮肤的装备。
  • Make sure to change out of sweaty or wet clothing right away after experiencing intense heat.
  • Change your baby’s diaper immediately after they wet or soil it.
  • Stay well-hydrated bydrinking plenty of fluids.

Heat rash usually goes away on its own. If the rash seems to be getting worse, or the area seems like it’s becoming已感染,考虑去看医生。

Remember that bacteria live in your skin. Excessive itching can create anopen wound当你继续触摸它时,那会感染。

有些人有hyperhidrosis, a condition in which their bodies produce too much sweat. If you suspect you’re sweating too much, you may want to see adermatologist.

If you notice prickly heat appearing on your skin, be mindful of what your body is trying to tell you. Make sure to stay hydrated in warm climates and during physical activity.

观看其他迹象heat exhaustion(such as头晕,headache,要么快速心率)尽快移动到较冷的区域。