怀孕的人在家中使用体重 在Pinterest上分享

Pregnancy is a time of身体的转变。锻炼可能是您新常规的关键部分,并帮助从疼痛和通过劳动供电的一切帮助。

知道what types of exercises are safe is key to staying injury-free and keeping you and your baby healthy throughout the next 9 months.



在怀孕的头三个月中,您可以继续进行例行工作而不会改变。但是,随着几周和几个月的前进,您可能需要减轻体重,更改您的动作,然后尝试其他工具,例如resistance bands


Weight training during pregnancy can be a great partner to other types of moderate exercise, like walking or swimming. Lifting weights strengthens muscles throughout the entire body and can help you feel better on the inside and out.


Researchers found that benefits include:

  • 更好的体重管理。经常在怀孕中运动的人的体重可能比其活跃的人少20%。
  • 妊娠糖尿病(GDM)的较低风险。怀孕期间运动的人也可能减少他们发展的机会GDM高达59%。
  • 降低子痫前期的风险。Light exercise may reduce the incidence of子痫前期by 24 percent. Vigorous exercise, on the other hand, may reduce it by as much as 54 percent.
  • 改善身体形象。Other studies noted in the2011年研究建议在整个怀孕期间运动的人通常会报告更好的自我形象。研究人员发现,久坐的人们经常报告感到“脂肪”或“没有吸引力”。每周90分钟或更长时间运动的人“明显”更积极的身体形象。
  • Better mood.Along with this, feelings about body image, hormonal changes, and other shifts make pregnancy a prime time for depression. Exercise may mitigate this by releasing endorphins, which are powerful neurotransmitters that relieve pain and stress.
  • 防止下背部疼痛。多达76%的孕妇报告说,怀孕期间的某个时候会疼痛。保持活跃 - 特别是专注于躯干和核心的肌肉 - 可以保持更好的背部健康。
  • 帮助婴儿的发育。定期运动的人的婴儿往往更长,更瘦。一些studiesshow that resistance training, in particular, may be especially good in this regard. Beyond that, babies born to those who exercised vigorously during pregnancy actually showed “heightened attentiveness and discipline” when compared to controls.
  • 帮助您通过劳动力。除了剖宫产和早产劳动的机会较低之外,进行抵抗训练的人往往会缩短积极的劳动。

Overall, researchers have found that exercise has the power to make pregnancy and delivery a bit easier with fewer complications.

All people and all pregnancies are different. Even if you were active before pregnancy or in your last pregnancy, there are certain situations where your doctor may not give you the green light.

Plus, it’s important to remember that your body will change during pregnancy in ways you may not even realize.

  • 激素松弛素会松开关节和韧带,使身体供应。所有这些新的移动性使您更容易受伤,因为它会因快速或高影响力的动作过度延伸。
  • 随着重心的变化,您的平衡发生了变化。You may be more prone to falling. This change may also put considerable strain on your lower back and pelvis.
  • Your oxygen needs increase when you’re pregnant.当您锻炼时,氧气和血液流向您的肌肉。您可能会更快地呼吸,因此,您可能会发现更加剧烈的运动更加困难。

There are also various complications you may encounter during your pregnancy. You’ll want to speak with your doctor before lifting or trying other types of exercise if:

  • you’re pregnant with twins, triplets, or other higher-order multiples
  • you have heart or lung disease
  • 你有一个环境
  • you’re 26 or more weeks pregnant and have been diagnosed with placenta previa
  • 您正在体验早产或水破裂
  • 你有先兆子痫
  • you have severe贫血



You’ll want to let your doctor or midwife know about your activity level before your pregnancy.

对于某些观点,American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists甚至建议,精英运动员 - 那些在一项运动中每天超过2个小时训练的人 - 减少了抵抗力的负担。但是,没有关于体重的具体细节。

虽然这项研究并不是关于working out, scientists have looked at lifting heavy loads during pregnancy. People who repetitively lift at their jobs may be at risk of delivering their babies before32 weeks









Muscle group Exercise 重复
后退 拉特拉尔 2 to 3 10至15
Shoulders 肩部 2 to 3 10至15
胸部 哑铃胸部压力机 2 to 3 10至15
二头肌 浓度卷曲 2 to 3 10至15
Triceps 说谎的三头肌扩展 2 to 3 10至15
Quads/glutes Lunge 2 to 3 10至15
Glutes/hamstring 僵硬的硬拉 2 to 3 10至15
小牛 小腿加薪 2 to 3 10至15
Core 紧缩 2 to 3 10至15
Core 2 to 3 timed
Core 侧桥 2 to 3 timed



还有其他考虑因素,例如停用的动作,需要您平放在背上并压缩将血液从下半部带到心脏的大静脉(Vena cava)。


肌肉群 Exercise 重复
后退 座位 1 to 3 10至15
Shoulders 侧向加薪 1 to 3 10至15
胸部 座椅胸部压力机 1 to 3 10至15
二头肌 哑铃卷发 1 to 3 10至15
Triceps Tricep kickback 1 to 3 10至15
Quads/glutes 哑铃下蹲 1 to 3 10至15
Glutes/hamstring Cable back-kick 1 to 3 10至15
小牛 站立小牛饲养 1 to 3 10至15
Core 1 to 3 10至15
Core Bird dog 1 to 3 timed
Core 侧桥 1 to 3 timed

No matter what moves you do, be sure to focus on your form over how many reps you complete or weight you lift. Keeping good posture will protect your back and other muscles from injury.

You’ll want to steer clear of workout spaces that are hot or humid. The temperature could cause you to overheat, especially dangerous in the first trimester when many of your baby’s systems are developing.


  • High-impact moves where there’s a risk of blunt force trauma.这可能意味着要跳过运动,涉及在腹部周围繁重的自由体重。
  • 妊娠中期后举起开销。为什么?您的姿势会改变,并抬起头部可能会使您的下背部紧张。要锻炼那些三角肌和肩袖肌肉,请尝试前抬高,侧向抬高和反向苍蝇,而不是肩部压力。
  • 头三个月后平放在你的背上。Again, it places pressure on your vena cava and can impact the blood supply to the placenta. This can make you feel dizzy.
  • Bending forward at the hips and/or waist after the first trimester.这可能会让您感到头晕。随着腹部的生长,您可能会发现它会伤害您的下背部。相反,如果您想锻炼这些臀部和腿筋,请尝试使用四四个位置。

Stop exercising right away and get in touch with your doctor if you experience vaginal bleeding orrupture of your membranes,或者,如果您经历了宝宝的运动减少。


  • 头晕
  • headache
  • chest pain
  • 肌肉的软弱
  • shortness of breath
  • 犊牛的疼痛或肿胀



That said, you may need to modify your routine as time goes on to keep you and baby safe. CrossFit WODs (workouts of the day) are scalable, so pay attention to how your body feels and consider lightening your load.



Other tips:

  • Aim to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Your effort should make you break a sweat, but you should be able to speak without getting out of breath.
  • 新手运动?从小开始 - 即使只有5分钟的运动也是有益的。随着时间的流逝,您可以每周几天每天锻炼30分钟。
  • 停留水合。您应该每天喝10杯液体 - 运动后更多。不错的选择包括水,非咖啡因茶,牛奶和果汁。
  • Consider using resistance bands if weights are getting awkward. These stretchy bands allow you to work with some tension with more comfort.
  • 更好的是,考虑使用自己体重的抵抗运动。搜索YouTube进行免费锻炼,例如Amy Bodyfit的25分钟怀孕锻炼,或向认证的教练询问怀孕期间适当的举动。
  • Try wearing abelly band随着胃的增长,在运动过程中获得额外的支持。腹部带可以在您的衣服下或穿过衣服上佩戴,并且相对柔韧,因此它们与您同在。

有关的:What exercises are safe in the second trimester?

Weight training can be a safe part of your pregnancy exercise routine. Speak with your doctor about your current fitness level and your goals.

Consider scaling back your weight and focusing on your posture to avoid low back pain and muscle strain. Pay attention to how your body is feeling each time you exercise and change your routine accordingly. And if you experience any warning signs, take a step back and reevaluate.