
Many women experience back pain during pregnancy. Body weight increases of an average of 15 to 25 percent 会对肌腱,韧带和关节造成更大的负担。激素因素和体内的重量增加可以改变您的重心。这甚至可以影响脊柱的对齐。

Upper back pain is usually caused by poor posture and movement patterns, but it can also be affected by the weight of breast tissue, a weak upper back, and weak neck muscles.


1. Improve posture

Extended periods of sitting and increased time spent on a computer or cell phone can contribute to a hunched over posture and forward head position. This can cause the muscles of the upper back to weaken, leading to pain around the shoulder blades and neck.

Try this to improve posture:

  1. 让您的伴侣拍一张您站在空白墙旁边的照片。
  2. Stand as you normally would, sideways to the camera.
  3. 看图片,观察您的站立方式。你的肩膀向前滚吗?你的头直接戴在肩膀上吗?您的下背部有过多的拱门吗?
  4. If so, pay more attention to this throughout the day. Every time you walk by a mirror, try to stand up tall.


创造的关键ing balance between muscle groups is to stretch those that are tight, and to strengthen muscles that are weak. Stretching the muscles of the neck and upper back can significantly help decrease pain.


  1. 高高坐起来,轻轻地将头倾斜到侧面,用手帮助。
  2. 继续直到感觉到脖子侧面并保持该位置30秒钟。
  3. 现在,向前倾斜头,然后用手在头部背面抬起头,以帮助。您应该感觉到从脖子的后部伸展到头骨的底部。
  4. Repeat on the other side.


Getting a prenatal massage during pregnancy can have many benefits, including:

  • reduced anxiety
  • decreased symptoms of depression
  • 减少肌肉疼痛、关节痛
  • improved labor outcomes and newborn health

Swedish massage is the preferred method, as it aims to relax muscle tension and improve lymphatic circulation.


4. Myofascial release

Fascia is the thin sheath of connective tissue that wraps around all your muscles and organs. Fascia can become adhered to underlying tissues, which can cause poor movement patterns and pain.

A lacrosse ball massage is a method of self-myofascial release. It involves rolling a massage ball along sore muscles to help break up adhesions and allow the muscles to move freely underneath the fascia.


  1. Grab a lacrosse or tennis ball and stand with your back facing a wall.
  2. 在墙壁和肩blade骨的内边缘之间滑动球。
  3. Slowly move up and down the wall, rolling the ball in small circles until you find a tender area.
  4. Continue to roll over this area for 30 to 60 seconds.
  5. Repeat on the other side.



You can also try applying a warm compress to your neck and shoulders. Never leave the heat on for more than 15 minutes, and be mindful of the intensity. Pregnant women should take caution about raising their core body temperature, which is why saunas and hot tubs aren’t recommended.

Always consult your doctor before trying any therapeutic treatments for back pain. Every pregnancy is different, and it’s always best to get approval from your doctor. Avoid overstretching muscles or deep massage, as they can cause strain and lead to more pain. Listen to your body and do everything in moderation.

Back pain during pregnancy can be frustrating, but often resolves after the baby is born. These natural remedies can ease your back pain and help you enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest!


