2016年4月,《纽约邮报》发表了一篇名为“我想要所有产假的好处 - 没有任何孩子。”它介绍了“元性”的概念。作者建议,没有孩子的妇女应该能够像同伴的母亲一样进行12周的假期。


在拥有自己的孩子之前,我一直在一家Fortune 100公司工作,我认为产假对于新妈妈来说是一个不错的假期。实际上,有时我很嫉妒,甚至有点沮丧,我不得不拿起额外的工作。


Even worse, I had no idea that my job situation was not the norm and I was extremely lucky since I did receive 12 weeks and partial pay. The easiest way to combat the stereotype of maternity leave being a 12-week vacation is to understand the facts. So, let’s do that.


40%的妇女没有资格Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)which grants 12 weeks of protected job leave, unpaid, at the federal level.


Only 12 percent of women in the private sector have access to any sort of paid maternity leave.


There is no federal paid maternity leave — it’s left to the states to figure out.


The only states with an active policy are California, Rhode Island, and New Jersey.


25 percent of women are forced to return to work within 2 weeks of giving birth to support their families.


The United States is the only high-income country to not offer paid maternity leave on a federal level. Paid leave is guaranteed in 178 countries, the United States not being one of them.


We need to change the conversation from maternity leave being a privilege and start discussing the real implications of not viewing it as a human right.





The birth rate in the United States is at 1.83 per woman, a record low. If we do not maintain our population, it will impact our GDP and economic standing.


1 in 10 women suffer from postpartum depression in the United States.

We must do better. Over and over again we are forced to confront the fact that poor maternity leave policies are bad public policy. With the majority of families in the United States depending on women to earn an income, we can’t ignore the obvious and deadly problems that plague all mothers regardless of their economic standing.

Maternity leave is a necessity.

Circling back to the article on meternity, the author says that the time mothers spend away from their desks on maternity leave gives moms the ability to “find themselves.” She states that her choice to work late is because she is picking up the slack for her mom coworkers. Perhaps the most dangerous assumption is that every woman has access to a 12-week, paid maternity leave. It simply is not the case.
