
让我们揭开您在怀孕期间将收到的测试(或在某些情况下可能退出的)。请记住,您的医生是一个重要的盟友 - 如果您对特定的测试或结果有任何疑问,他们将在手头回答您的问题。

“Prenatal screening tests” is a blanket term that covers a variety of testing your doctor may recommend or you may choose to have during pregnancy.




When the results are positive, further diagnostic tests — some that may be more invasive — can provide more definitive answers for you and your doctor.

Other prenatal screening tests are routine procedures that look for health issues that may affect you, your pregnancy, or your baby. One example is theglucose tolerance test,检查妊娠糖尿病- 顺便说一句,这是可以管理的。


First trimester screening tests can begin as early as 10 weeks. These usually involve blood tests and an ultrasound. They test your baby’s overall development and check to see if your baby is at risk for genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome.



The NIPT blood draw isn’t available at all doctor’s offices, and your healthcare provider可能不提供it, depending on your age and other risk factors. But if you’re interested in this option, be sure to ask!

妊娠中期screening tests may occur between 14 and 18 weeks. They can involve a blood test, which tests whether you’re at risk for having a child with Down syndrome or neural tube defects.




An ultrasound uses sound waves to create an image of the baby in the uterus.

The test is used to determine the size and position of your baby, confirm how far along you are, and find any potential abnormalities in the structure of your baby’s growing bones and organs.




During the first trimester, your doctor can order two types of blood tests called a sequential integrated screening test and a serum integrated screening.

They’re used to measure the levels of certain substances in your blood, namely, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin.


At your first prenatal visit, your blood may also be tested to see if you’re immunized against rubella and to screen for syphilis, hepatitis B, and HIV. Your blood will also likely be checked for贫血

A blood test will also be used to check your blood type and Rh factor, which determines yourRh compatibilitywith your growing baby. You can be either Rh-positive or Rh-negative.

Most people are Rh-positive, but if you’re Rh-negative, your body will produce antibodies that will affect any subsequent pregnancies.

When there’s an Rh incompatibility, most women will be given a shot of Rh-immune globulin at 28 weeks and again a few days after delivery.



Chorionic villus sampling


It’s usually performed between the 10th and 12th weeks and is used to test for chromosomal abnormalities, like Down syndrome, and genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis.

There are two types of CVS. One type tests through the belly, which is called a transabdominal test, and one type tests through the cervix, which is called a transcervical test.

Testing has some side effects, like cramps or spotting. There’s also a small risk of miscarriage. This is an optional test — you don’t have to get it done if you don’t want to.


During the second trimester, a more detailed ultrasound, which is often called a fetal anatomy survey, is used to evaluate the baby carefully from head to toe for any developmental issues.

While a second-trimester ultrasound can’t rule out all potential issues with your baby — that’s what the additional screens described below can assist with — it’s helpful for your OB to eyeball baby’s body parts, and fun for you to see those fingers and toes, too!

Blood tests

AQuad标记筛选测试是在妊娠中期进行的血液检查。它可以帮助您的医生学习是否增加了患有唐氏综合症,神经管缺陷和腹部壁异常的婴儿的风险。它测量了四种胎儿蛋白(因此,“ Quad”)。

A quad marker screening is typically offered if you start prenatal care too late to receive either the serum integrated screening or the sequential integrated screening.


Glucose screening

A glucose screening test checks for妊娠糖尿病, a condition that can develop during pregnancy. It’s usually temporary and resolves after delivery.

This glucose screening test is pretty standard for everyone, whether you’re considered high risk or not. And, note: You can develop gestational diabetes even if you’ve not had diabetes before your pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes can increase your potential need for acaesarean deliverybecause babies of mothers with gestational diabetes are usually born larger. Your baby may also have low blood sugar in the days following delivery.

Some doctors’ offices start with a shorter glucose screening, where you’ll drink a syrupy solution, have your blood drawn about an hour later, and then have your blood sugar levels checked.

If your levels are high, your doc will schedule a longer glucose tolerance test, where you’ll fast before the procedure, have your blood drawn for a fasting blood sugar level, drink a sugary solution, then have your blood levels checked once an hour for three hours.

Some doctors prefer to solely perform the longer glucose tolerance test. And this longer one may be performed if you have certain risk factors for gestational diabetes.

If you do test positive for gestational diabetes, you have a higher risk of developing diabetes within the following 10 years, so you should get the test again after the pregnancy.


Duringamniocentesis, you’ll have amniotic fluid removed from your uterus for testing. Amniotic fluid surrounds the baby during pregnancy. It contains fetal cells with the same genetic makeup as the baby, as well as various chemicals produced by the baby’s body.

An amniocentesis tests for genetic abnormalities, such as Down syndrome and spina bifida. A genetic amniocentesis is usually performed after week 15 of the pregnancy. It may be considered if:

  • a prenatal screening test showed abnormal results
  • you had a chromosomal abnormality during a previous pregnancy
  • 您35岁或以上
  • you have a family history of a specific genetic disorder
  • you or your partner is a known carrier of a genetic disorder

b组Strep screening


  • mouth
  • throat
  • 下肠道
  • 阴道


You can be screened for GBS with a swab taken from your vagina and rectum at 36 to 37 weeks. If you test positive for GBS, you’ll receive antibiotics while you’re in labor to reduce your baby’s risk of contracting a GBS infection.

Prenatal screening tests can be an important source of information for pregnant people. While many of these tests are routine, some can be a much more personal decision.

与您的医生交谈about your concerns if you’re not sure if you should be screened or if you’re feeling anxious. You can also ask to be referred to a genetic counselor.

Your healthcare team can discuss the risks and benefits with you and help you decide which prenatal screenings are right for you.